Flowers create vibrant display on campus


Tiger Media Network

Early fall at Fort Hays State makes for a picturesque campus, adding to the pleasantness of the place many students consider home during the school year. The landscape is well maintained, providing neatly trimmed green lawns, and beautiful, vibrant flowers. These flowers include, but are not limited to, the rose garden behind Picken Hall. The garden provides small multi-directional paths allowing staff and students to walk between the rose bushes of many different, striking colors. These perennial shrubs range from white to various shades of yellow, orange, pink, and red, adding a spectacular pop of color to the area.

Other flower beds reside in numerous locations, including either side of McCartney Hall, and beside the Memorial Union. These landscapes encompass smaller filler flowers and plants as well as more prominent or distinguished blooms such as the gorgeous Daisy and Hibiscus varieties pictured. As a freshman here at FHSU, I have noticed that students spend a lot of time walking around campus, between or to buildings for classes, for exercise, or strolling with friends. With my class schedule alone, I walk past a minimum of three areas planted with flowers each day. I noticed many of them, before seeking them out with Parker Nisbeth, a fellow student and TMN member, to take photos. In the process, I discovered many more I hadn’t even seen yet, the bright-colored daisies being my personal favorite.

The beauty of our campus is one of my favorite things about my choice of Fort Hays. I’ve had many other students agree to this or comment on it themselves. 

“The flowers on campus make me smile every time I see them,” a FHSU student said. “Even as the season is changing, they’re still beautiful.” 

Most Tigers lead very busy lives with the opportunities provided here, such as obtaining degrees, being involved in organizations, performing as an athlete, and more. I think the flowers are an exceptional addition to the campus’s landscaping as well as a boost of positivity and beauty in students’ hectic lives. If you attend our college yourself, I highly recommend you seek out the different stunning blooms here that you may not have passed by before, and if you are visiting town in the season I recommend you check out the top-notch landscape of our campus yourself.
