PHOTOS: FHSU hosts Tiger Classic

Photos by RORY MOORE, KATIE KUHLMAN, PARKER NISBETH, SILOE MONTIELSANG Tiger Media Network Select photos from the 2024 Tiger Volleyball Classic games featuring Truman State,…

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Tiger Cross Country sweeps team victories at FHSU Tiger Open

Photos by PARKER NISBETH Video by KYSON EVANS Tiger Media Network

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Tigers knock off MWSU for first time since 2017; move to 2-0

Story by MAYAN PAZ Photos by RORY MOORE and PARKER NISBETH On a beautiful Saturday evening, Lewis Field Stadium was packed with fans to watch…

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PHOTOS: FHSU Celebrates Family and Friends Weekend

Photos by TAYLOR THOMPSON, RORY MOORE, PARKER NISBETH & ALLI HORNUNG Tiger Media Network FHSU Fishing Derby Tiger Trot 5K Tie Dye Event and Corn…

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