PHOTOS: Tracey Mann hosts town hall

Photos By RORY MOORE Tiger Media Network To view full-size photos and cutlines, click on each image Rep. Tracey Mann hosted a town hall at…

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SGA offers rides to the polls today

By ALICIA FEYERHERMTiger Media Network Fort Hays State University’s Student Government Association is offering transportation to and from the polling site located at Messiah Lutheran…

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FHSU Student Organization Feature – FHSU Young Democrats of America

BY JESSALYN KIRCHHOFFGRAPHIC BY HANNAH KITZMANN The FHSU Young Democrats is a student-led partisan organization that works to encourage students to participate in the electoral…

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FHSU Student Organization Feature – College Republicans of FHSU

BY JESSALYN KIRCHHOFFGRAPHIC BY HANNAH KITZMANN According to their Tigerlink page, the FHSU College Republicans is an organization committed to the open discussion of ideologies,…

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Community members spend morning with legislators at HPL

President/CEO of The Chamber in Hays Sarah Wasinger introduces the legislators at Saturday’s Legislative Coffee event. Left to right: Rep. Barbara Wasinger, Rep. Ken Rahjes,…

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Increase in voter turnout fuels primary elections

BY REBEKAH REED This year’s Kansas primary election has received more attention than in the past. According to KSHB, Kansas had an increased voter turnout…

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Hammond kicks off campaign for 111th district

BY ALICIA FEYERHERM Former Fort Hays State University President Ed Hammond hosted a kickoff event for his Kansas House of Representatives District 111 campaign on…

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Talking politics in high school: How area teachers are navigating the political climate

BY ANNISTON WEBER Inauguration Day is typically a celebratory event backed by tradition and historic moments. This spectacle of a day is used by social…

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Third-party voting: a wasted vote or a valid option?

BY CJ GIBSON In most American elections, voters are provided with two main choices for each position: one Republican and one Democrat. There are other…

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The Now Inseperable Boundary of Sports and Politics

BY DANIEL SAENZ This summer, the United States Women’s National Soccer team made history. After defeating the Netherlands 2-0, the United States won its 4th…

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