KFHS Radio is the student-led and operated campus radio station. KFHS streams online 24/7 on or on the TuneIn Radio App (Search KFHS).

KFHS Radio is a platform for students, faculty and community members to create their own radio show and become a college radio DJ. Show topics vary from sports, politics, entertainment, music, video games and more. DJs are also able to play their favorite music genres. If you like polka, create and host the “So You Think You Can Polka Show.” If you love anime and want to create a podcast, utilize our airwaves and make it happen! KFHS is for Tigers by Tigers.

Interested in your own radio show? Want to make a podcast? Want to show the world your music?

Send an email to with the following:
Your name, year of school, and major
DJ/On-air name(can be your real name)
Name of show(if you have one)
Genre of music you will play(Punk, Rock, Classical, Polka)
Date/Time you would like to have your show (2-3 hours each week is where we will start you out at)

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