FHSU hosts fishing derby as part of Family and Friends Day

Story and Photos by TAYLOR THOMPSON

Tiger Media Network

On Saturday, FHSU Student Engagement kicked off Friends and Family Day with a splash. The day’s events began bright and early with a fishing derby at the Hammond Hall Pond. This event provided an opportunity for individuals of all ages to test their fishing skills and try their hand at catching the biggest fish in the pond.

Friends and Family Day is an annual event at FHSU that allows students to spend time with their loved ones and explore what Hays has to offer. This day consists of a plethora of activities such as visiting the Downtown Hays Market, tie-dying t-shirts, supporting the football team at the Tiger Tailgate, and of course, participating in the fishing derby.

“Yeah, we just wanted to see what this day was about, and our kids were pretty excited to be able to fish,” said Trevor, one of the family members who attended the derby. “I just wanted my kids to have fun today, and you know, see how college life has been for my son.” 

Trevor traveled from Junction City and he was one of the many people that drove across Kansas to visit Hays. 

Upon arriving at the fishing derby, attendees were greeted by a variety of setup stations staffed by students, who were on hand to assist families with baiting and tackling their lines. Once equipped, participants settled into camping chairs around the pond and began fishing. It wasn’t long before they started reeling in catches. The channel catfish, a staple of Kansas waters, proved to be the most commonly hooked fish of the day. After each catch, student volunteers measured and recorded the fish before releasing them back into the pond, ensuring that everyone had a chance to enjoy the thrill of the catch.

As the sun rose higher in the sky and the fishing derby wrapped up, participants left with a smile a sense of accomplishment, whether from catching a big fish, or simply from spending out on the water with loved ones. They were then free to attend other events that were part of the Family and Friends Day.
