Tigers Tie Dye T-Shirts During Family and Friends Weekend


Tiger Media Network

Victoria Hover, Bailey Martin, and Ali Colwell worked with Student Engagement to host a tie-dying event on Saturday. This was a unique souvenir and social event combined for Family and Friends Day. Students and their loved ones visiting for this weekend were invited to stop by the Quad on campus to participate. 

Family and Friends Day is an FHSU event that encourages those closest to the students to visit Hays. This is done in the hopes of diminishing the sense of homesickness that many young academics struggle with. 

“We have around ten events for Family Day,” Colwell said. 

Tie-Dye was one such event. This event was enjoyed by those of all ages and backgrounds: from parents to students to younger siblings alike. Saskia Steiner was one such participant. She found out about the event by browsing the Corq app, looking specifically for an activity suited for her little sister. 

“It’s my first time, actually,” Steiner said. “That’s why mine is flat while everyone else’s are all rolled up. It’s okay; mine will look special.”

Staff wore tie-dye shirts advertising the individuality and plethora of options available, limited only by participant’s imagination. Tie-dye is a multi-step process but a straightforward one. Participants were gifted t-shirts with a memorable design by Colwell – who spearfronted the event as a Student Engagement Coordinator on campus. 

After receiving a complimentary t-shirt, attendees were then instructed to dip the shirts in water and wring them out. Each table was stationed with bottles of dye, rubber bands, and plastic bags. Participants curled their shirts in a pattern of their choice, used rubber bands to hold it in place, then were encouraged to be as artistic as they liked. Also provided were spray bottles to create an almost ‘spray paint’-esque design. 

Yellow and black dye was provided to craft tiger-ish designs perfectly themed for FHSU students and their families. After completing their designs, participants could transport their t-shirts in plastic bags before rinsing them at home and leaving them to dry. Just like that, they had crafted memories and memorabilia alike.

Tie-dye was just one of many events scheduled to celebrate Family and Friends Day. 

“[We wanted] a fun element that families can do together,” Colwell said. 
