SGA hold final meeting of the semester


The final Student Senate meeting of the semester began with executive reports. During this time, President DeMers updated the Student Senators on the progress of the Student Success Days policy.

DeMers also informed the senate that he is continuing to work on establishing communication with student leaders at FHSU’s partner school in China. He all attended a call for the Student Advisory Committee in regard to restructuring communication with the board.

He concluded by updating the Senate on the task force that was established following requests for a multicultural space on campus. DeMers informed the senators that this task force has met twice and is focused on finding ways to meet the needs of diversity and inclusion on campus.

Following this report, Treasurer Applegate told the Senate that he spent his week working on the November Treasurer’s report and answering questions about allocations.

Legislative Affairs Director Wisley then reported that she is continuing to work with Student Senator Lastra-Blanco on meeting the needs of DACA students at Fort Hays. In addition to this, she reminded the senators that the applications are open for Higher Education Day in Topeka. She also asked for volunteers for a non-partisan voter registration drive to be held in Fall 2020.

In her report, Community Relations Director Dougherty told the Senate that The Big Event will be held April 24, from 1 to 5 p.m. According to Administrative Assistant Cunningham, she and CRD Dougherty are also planning a January event to be held with the FHSU international students.

Several committees gave then gave their reports. The Legislative & Political Action Committee discussed alternatives for Safe Ride, which is currently facing a spending deficit. The Senate Affairs Committee had one interview and worked on plans for the Spring. The Allocation Committee reported that they have received sixteen requests and are giving guidance to the organizations.

The open forum followed the reports. During this time senators discussed why Forsyth Library is no longer open until 2 a.m. for finals. According to Senator McBlair, who works at the library, as well as SGA advisor Dr. Teresa Clounch, the shortened hours are a result of not enough students utilizing the library at the time.

During the open forum, the senators also asked whether the coming renovations to Rarick Hall would include a new elevator or a Tiger Print station. It was then confirmed that the elevator is due to be updated during the renovations, but they are unsure whether printers are in the plan.

With the conclusion of the discussion, the Senate heard two new waivers from the Women’s Leadership Project and the Opportunity Through Education LLCC and passed two more for Tigers in Service and the American Democracy Project. In addition to this, the Senate postponed one bill and one waiver.

With announcements, the meeting concluded. The Student Senate will reconvene in January 2020.

Sound Off!
