SGA learns about new general education plan


Over the past five years, the General Education Committee as worked to update the format of general education courses. During the Student Government Association’s weekly senate meeting on Nov. 7, the members of the committee presented the plan to the student senators.

“This is an outcomes-based system,” said Dr. Brad Will of the General Education Committee.

Dr. Will explained that, in this new system, there will be fewer required general education hours because it focuses on “what it is we want students to learn.”

In this new system, students will be allowed to take a course to meet both a general education requirement and a degree requirement. In the current system, this “double-dipping” isn’t allowed, causing students to complete more credit hours.

As the plan is completed, students can expect the new general education system to go into effect in Fall 2021.

Following the presentation by the General Education Committee, the Student Senate moved into executive reports.

During this time, President DeMers informed the Senate that the Faculty Senate postponed their vote on the Student Success Days policy until November.

DeMers also informed the Senate that he discussed plans for inclement weather during this week’s President’s Roundtable, and that he worked on plans for next semester’s Higher Education Day.

For his report, Vice President Musgrove informed the Senate that he met with Treasurer Applegate and Allocations Committee Chair Senator Becker to discuss plans for this year’s allocation process.

Treasurer Applegate expanded on this in his report. Because of the SGA is implementing a new allocations tool, the SGA will be in contact with the presidents and treasurers of student organization and will create a video on how to use the tool.

Legislative Affairs Director Wisley followed Applegate’s report with her own. She announced to the Senate that Free Legal counseling will not be held until January due to the short weeks between breaks in November and December.

Because Community Relations Director Dougherty was not present at the night’s meeting, Administrative Assistant Cunningham read Dougherty’s report.

Dougherty, who organized this semester’s SGA Town Hall, wished to inform the Senate on the changes she hoped to make to the format of the Town Hall next semester. This includes making the event less formal with a table of student senators to help answer questions.

Following Dougherty’s report, Cunningham gave her report, which focused on the changes coming to dining in the Memorial Union.

According to Cunningham, the Memorial Union Policy Board plans to remove the Tiger Market to install dining options called Bowl Life as well as a grill option.

In addition to these new options, Sonos will be replaced with a chicken option called Absurd Bird, and breakfast will be served in the Union from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

The committees gave their reports following the executive staff.

The Appropriations Committee heard four requests and has one bill up for first reading, while the Legislative & Political Action Committee discussed voter registration initiative ideas.

The Senate Affairs Committee began their annual executive staff reviews and has two bills up for second reading.

The Student Relations & Involvement Committee reported that organization outreach plans have been finalized. The committee members also discussed plans for addressing the Safe Ride defecate as well as options for addressing litter in nightlife areas.

The Allocations Committee reported that they discussed the allocations timeline. This process opens to student organizations on Nov. 8 with the first workshop being held Nov. 18 at 5 p.m.

The Chartwells Committee reported that they are seeking more student members.

This would include meeting once during this fall semester and throughout the spring semester. As an incentive, the Senate was informed, dining dollars will be offered to participants and there will be samples of the new dining options at the next meeting.

With the conclusion of reports, the SGA installed one new senator.

During Open Forum, the senators elaborated on the report regarding Safe Ride.

According to President DeMers, Funding for Safe Ride comes, in part, from diversions. However, the more Safe Ride is utilized, the fewer diversions there are which creates less funding for Safe Ride.

Because this system has put Safe Ride into a deficit, the SGA is looking for other funding options, including the possibility of partnering with local liquor stores or bars and grills.

Also during the Open Forum, the Senate discussed on-campus parking, safety at crosswalks and the possibility of a multicultural center.

The need for a multicultural center was first brought up by a student at the SGA Town Hall. The student’s concern was that there was no such space for students in the plans of the new Student Success Center or the Memorial Union renovations.

The senators mentioned, however, that the design for the Union is not set which leaves the potential for a multicultural space.

After the Open Forum, one bill was read for the first time. The Senate then passed two bills regarding the Public Safety and Awareness Fund and the SGA Fee Review, and one resolution for October’s Student Leader of the Month.

Before the meeting concluded, a senator announced the Art Slam to be held at 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 15 in the Center for Art & Design.

The Student Senate will reconvene on Nov. 14 at 7 p.m.

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