SGA meeting provides Student Success Week and Picnic Table updates


Thursday night’s Student Senate meeting took place after the organization’s first Town Hall.

The Town Hall invited students to air their concerns and ask questions of the Student Government Association.

President DeMers began his executive report by thanking the senators for helping with the Town Hall. He also stated that he believed the event went well and had a good turnout.

Also in his report, DeMers stated that the SGA now has access to the Budget tool that will be used for allocations. This tool will go live for student organizations in the following week.

DeMers then updated the Senate on the progress of the Dead Week policy, which is now referred to as Student Success Days. This policy, which was previously in the Student Affairs Committee, will go before the Faculty Senate in November for a vote.

Vice President Musgrove gave his report after DeMers. During this time, he reported that the Learning Assessment Committee is deciding on a new assessment system following changes to general education courses.

Musgrove also reported that the General Education Committee also heard a proposal to make American Sign Language an option for general education classes.

Following the Vice President’s report, Legislative Affairs Director Wisley gave her report.

Wisley spent her week transcribing the debates that have taken place at FHSU the past two weeks. This is in order to provide closed captioning and a Spanish translation for the recordings of those debates.

She also held a conference call with the Legislative Affairs Directors from around the state in order to better collaborate with them.

Community Relations Director Dougherty, who planned the night’s Town Hall, asked for feedback from the senators.

She also announced that tabling for the Condom Campaign will be held on Oct. 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Administrative Assistant Cunningham gave a short report in which she stated that she helped Dougherty during the week and that promotional materials, such as koozies, arrived during the week.

Many of the committees reported that they did not meet this week, but the Appropriations and Senate Affairs Committees each have bills that will be read in their next meetings.

The Student Success Committee, however, reported that the policy in which a student must be enrolled in English Composition 1 and 2 during their first semesters is still being considered. 

The committee is also considering a policy that would require students to take a math placement exam if they do not meet ACT math score requirements.

After the final report, Alex Kultgen was sworn in as a new senator.

During the Open Forum, the senators reiterated that they thought the Town Hall went well. It was during this time that CRD Dougherty announced that she had looked into getting picnic tables to put on the Quad, but the idea was shut down.

Following the Open Forum, four bills were read for the first time and the Senate voted on two other bills.

Both bills passed, one installing Crystal Rojas as a senator and the other placing four students on the EOF Committee.

The meeting concluded with an announcement about the upcoming SGA retreat. The Student Senate will reconvene on Oct. 31 at 7 p.m.

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