Jenna Radtke has busy second year of graduate school


Jenna Radtke, Bejou, Minn. (56516), graduate assistant in the Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center has had a busy second year of graduate study that will culminate with graduation in May with a Master of Science in Education in higher education student affairs from Fort Hays State University.  
She presented KAANnectingthe.coms at the Kansas Academic Advising Network Conference in Manhattan in September and received honors and opportunities from NASPA, the nation’s premier association for professionals in student personnel administration.
She received the NASPA IV-W Rising Star Award – Graduate Student in November.
She also received professional development funding from KAAN in February to present “Spice Up Your Social Media:  Aligning Your Online Presence with Generation Z” at the NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising Region 7 Conference, and was presented with the 2019 NACADA Region 7 Conference Graduate Student Scholarship at its conference in San Antonio in March.
NACADA is a worldwide organization for the advancement of theory, research and practice in the field of academic advising.
“I have enjoyed the experiential learning opportunities that I have had to connect with the classroom learning to take theory into practice,” she said.  “These opportunities have allowed me to expand my knowledge related to the NACADA Core Competencies and NASPA/ACPA Competencies. ”
“Jenna has taken advantage of the opportunities that are made available to graduate assistants with the Division of Student Affairs while at Fort Hays State University,” said Dr. Patricia Griffin, director of Fort Hays State’s Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center.
Griffin said that Radtke has had multiple opportunities to enhance knowledge through various conferences, programs, and practicum experiences with NODA at Illinois State University and Career Services at FHSU. These have provided her with a broad range of experiences across higher education,” said Griffin. NODA is an association for professionals in orientation, transition and retention in higher education.
“Radtke has led with pride at FHSU by taking advantage of the immersive environment that allows her to take her experiences with her as a student affairs professional,” said Griffin. “She is an example of how taking advantage of the opportunities as a graduate student can help you in acquiring both knowledge and experience for the future.”

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