Hays Public Library hosts Summer Reading Kickoff Party


Tiger Media Network

Each year, the Hays Public Library (HPL) hosts its Summer Reading Challenge during the summer break, encouraging participants of all ages to continue reading outside of school. On Monday, the HPL hosted its annual Summer Reading Kickoff Party as an all-day spectacle.

HPL Communications Coordinator Callie Kolacny detailed the Summer Reading Challenge Kickoff party as a day full of activities to start the Summer Challenge.

“We’ve been hosting a kickoff party for several years with slightly different entertainment each year,” Kolcacny said. “This year, we had Jammin’ Randy perform his music at 11:00 am and Digital Dave combined magic and science for a fun show at 1:00 pm and then we showed an interactive movie.”

The crowd watched “The Emperor’s New Groove” while using props and actions to make the event interactive.

The Summer Reading Challenge runs from May 20 through July 31. There are challenges for different age groups, so people of all ages are able to be involved.

Kolacny stated that this year’s theme is Adventure Begins at Your Library and that the HPL had a great kickoff, with over 900 people visiting the library on Monday.

Additionally, Kolacny points out the importance of the HPL’s Summer Reading Challenge.

“The Summer Reading Challenge is a great way to motivate kids to continue reading during the summer break so they don’t experience an educational backslide. They are encouraged to meet goals and participate in activities for a chance to win prizes,” she said. “The adults also have a list of challenges to meet with a prize drawing at the end of the summer. Kids and teens receive a toy when they register and adults get a tote bag.”

Registration can continue throughout the challenge.

Alongside the Summer Reading Challenge, the library provides entertaining and educational events for all ages throughout the summer.

When asked what event she was most excited for, Kolacny had trouble narrowing it down to just one.

“There are too many great events planned to pick any favorites,” shes said. “In the next couple weeks, we’ll have a sandcastle building competition, autograph signing with the Hays Larks, Citronella candle making, ballroom dance lessons and much more.”

More information on the Summer Reading Challenge and a complete list of Hays Public Library events and activities can be found on the HPL website hays library.org
