RHA Discusses Halloween Events and Fire Alarms in McMindes


Thursday night, RHA executives and residence hall representatives met for another weekly meeting. In the spirit of Halloween, roll call consisted of each executive member, representatives, and guests to state their name and a Halloween tradition that they have. The residence hall representatives talked about what festivities they plan to hold during or around Halloween.

Custer plans on having a Halloween party and haunted house, and would also like to have a national food event due to the fact that they have a large majority of international students. McMindes is also planning on having a Halloween party, they hope to include caramel apples and pumpkin paintings while also playing scary movies during the event. Victor E. Village is holding a door decorating contest, and a costume and dance party. Tiger Place is doing a nutritious microwave meal event, where they plan to hand out recipes to educate students on how to eat more nutritiously even from their microwaves. For more information on events your hall is holding, contact members of the hall council.

One subject brought up and discussed was McMindes’ issue with fire alarms. Since September 8th, McMindes has had 10 fire alarms, with 3 of them being intentionally done by students. The group discussed ways to lower this number, as it is very inconvenient for the McMindes residents. FHSU campus police are further investigating the alarms pulled by students. RHA wants to remind residents to look up fire evacuation plans and wants students to know that their voices and concerns are being heard.

RHA will host their next meeting on Thursday, November 2 at 6:30 pm in McMindes Hall 2R.

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