FHSU’s Virtual College recognized for its Psychology Program

It is no longer necessary for some students to come to campus to earn a college education. With the use of virtual colleges, students are able to attend classes during their own time from just about anywhere. Fort Hays State University offers a total of 27 bachelor degree programs and 10 master’s degree and three others that have a small on-campus component. During the spring of 2013 GetEducated.com reviewed accredited online bachelor degree programs in psychology and allied human services. FHSU’s online Bachelor Program in psychology program was ranked No. 3 in the nation for the most affordable program. No.1 and No. 2 on GetEducated’s list are not actually degrees in psychology but in social sciences and social work. This make the online psychology program at FHSU the most affordable program with the next closest degree at No. 8 being a Bachelor of Professional Studies in industrial/organizational psychology at Arkansas Tech University.The average cost of earning an online psychology Bachelor degree according to GetEducated is $45,548. While the No. 3 ranked FHSU Bachelor of Science in Psychology is $22,109 and the No. 8 ranked ATU’s degree cost $26,940 for residents and $50, 128 for non-residents. Through FHSU’s Virtual College both residents and non-residents are charged the same tuition.

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