Defiance Downtown partners with International Business Club for SINGO event


Tiger Media Network

Defiance announced its partnership with the International Business Club to host Singo: Song and Bingo. The event took place the Thursday before spring break and featured two different games. 

“The goal of this partnership was to offer students hope and encouragement by providing financial opportunities to travel with clubs like IBC,” said IBC President Jess Kirchhoff. 

Kirchhoff emphasized that being involved in clubs and organizations is a great way for students to gain financial stability without added pressure while also expanding their networking and business opportunities. Additionally, it offers travel opportunities while keeping costs low and affordable for students. 

Singo was open to everyone, offering a unique blend of music and strategy that has made it a signature game for Defiance.

“Singo is a fantastic way to host an interactive fundraiser while strengthening connections with the community,” IBC member Lucero said. 

The concept of Singo originated with Defiance before partnering with the International Business Club. The first Singo event took place in December with a Christmas Classics theme. After a few events, themed nights became a tradition starting in January, making this the third official theme night. 

Defiance hosted Singo in collaboration with IBC, which provided funding for prizes. In return, Defiance donated 10% of all non-alcoholic food and beverage sales. This fundraiser will directly support students. 

In May, 10 students and two professors will embark on a trip to Belgium and the Netherlands. While abroad, they will explore cultural and economic differences compared to the U.S., analyzing local markets, food, and essential goods while studying price variations among businesses.

Defiance and IBC will partner twice more this semester for SINGO events which will take place on April 24 and May 8.