HALO celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month


Tiger Media Network

Fort Hays State University’s Hispanic American Leadership Organization kicked off Hispanic Hispanic Heritage Month with a large celebration on Thursday, bringing local businesses and citizens together to celebrate the history and culture of both Hispanic and Latino Americans. Local restaurants catered the party with pleasant aromas of authentic Hispanic delicacies, combined with fresh fruit, and homemade beverages. The cherry on top was all the celebrants who attended this reception. It was apparent that the community is what truly made this celebration special.

The Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration gave everyone the opportunity to express themselves in many different ways. The Hispanic Dance Sessions Dance Group sponsored by the Spanish Club, the English & Modern Languages Department, and the collaboration of the Sociology Department debuted and performed and executed multiple traditional dances of various cultures, even inviting everyone to join them, in an improvisational performance toward the end. 

Every aspect of the celebration gave everyone a taste of Hispanic culture, and what it means to be a part of a strong community. The Hispanic American Leadership Organization provided a chance for everyone to experience what Hispanic Heritage Month means, and will provide many more opportunities throughout the month.
