FHSU hosts RCOBE Scholarship Presentation


Tiger Media Network

Fort Hays State University hosted a scholarship reception on Thursday inside the ballroom of Memorial Union. Over 275 scholarships were awarded to students in the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship for their academic achievements, exceeding $345,000. The university also awarded graduate assistantships in addition to donors’ contributions.

Jill Arensdorf, provost and vice president for academic affairs, began the reception with a speech sharing her path through higher education.

“I grew up in Hill City, Kansas not too far from Hays,” she said. “My family is what I would call blue collar, and we were excited to go to college but knew that there could be incredible debt facing us because I have twin brothers. So, my parents were staring at significant dollars to send three kids to college about the same time.”

She went on to mention how her applications for scholarships helped her family avoid debt and forge a successful entry into school.

“We were encouraged by our family and community to apply for scholarships,” Arensdorf said. “My local community and institution had so many scholarship opportunities and supported my brothers and me in very significant ways, and when I graduated from college, I wasn’t looking at a lot of debt because of the generosity of our community and donors.” 

Arensdorf emphasized how the assistance donors provide students will be appreciated later in their careers, as she did with the assistance she received.

“You may not appreciate yet how much these scholarships mean to you now,” she said. “Be grateful for the opportunities that our donors and your mentors are providing for to supplement your learning through not having to worry about debt as much when you’re out of college.”

The award presentation commenced by Robbins College ambassadors Lauren Wagner and Jessica Saunders, seniors majoring in accounting and finance, and management.  

“We are lucky to have so many leaders and mentors to guide us through these important years of our lives,” Wagner said in her speech. “Each of you have made great efforts to mold us into the students and future professionals we will become.”

Wagner also reflected on her time at Fort Hays and how it developed her personal growth. 

“As I look forward to attending law school next fall, I will be sad to leave the Fort Hays campus and the opportunities of growth, education, and athletics it has provided to me, and of course, the special people like each of you who have helped me get to where I am today.”

Saunders emphasized the welcoming community and relationships she found on campus that forged her path to the workforce in her speech. 

“My time at FHSU has been incredibly rewarding both in the classroom and through the meaningful relationships I have built while being here,” she said. “The knowledge and experiences I have gained here are crucial to my future career aspirations in the accounting field. The support provided by this community is vital to the success of the business college.”

She closed her speech by acknowledging the donors for their financial support to students like here.

“Both Lauren and I have been the recipients of the generosity of the donors and the alumni from your scholarships and other contributions,” Saunders said. “On behalf of the students, I wish to express our gratitude for the support we received from this community. Thank you for being here today and joining us in celebrating the achievements of these exceptional students.”
