FHSU to expand Nursing Department


Tiger Media Network

Fort Hays State University is expanding its nursing program with an increased student footprint and class sizes. With the program’s expansion, renovations to Stroup Hall are proposed to accommodate the growth.

“It is evident that there is a nursing shortage that is affecting healthcare facilities everywhere,” Nursing Department Chair Jenny Manry said. 

In order to help the program meet this demand for nurses, the department is coordinating with the Dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Jeff Briggs, Provost Jill Arensdorf and President Tisa Mason for approval of a remodel project for Stroup Hall.  

The proposed renovations include taking the three classrooms they have now down to two classrooms as well as expanding the program’s labs and simulations.

“We have simulations integrated throughout our curriculum, so every semester, students are exposed to simulation,” Assistant Department Chair Tanya Smith said. 

These labs and simulations are crucial for readying students for the hospital setting. 

“This allows us to serve more students and graduate more nurses,” Manry said.

Along with the renovations to Stroup Hall, the Kansas State Board of Nursing approved the increase in the number of possible admitted students from 65 to 90. The program will now admit around 40 students each semester, and the newly renovated classrooms will hold 45 students each.

The program has put in a budget request to Gov. Kelly for the $15 million expansion to Stroup Hall. This spring, the request will move through the legislative cycle. 
