Sullivan Kelly passing it back to relieve pressureRyan McCabe fighting for the ballSecond attempt for a goal after quick save by Missouri WesternWater break during the first half due to heat.Defender Megan WimanMontserrat Diaz putting pressure on Missouri WesternFHSU attempts to score off a field goalSullivan Kelly taking a corner kickMidfielder Emily Hutchings
Forward Montserrat DiazSullivan Kelly receiving pressure from behindReilly Madden taking the ball upfieldGoalkeeper Isabel Robben taking a goal kickDefender Megan Wiman forcing Missouri out of bounds FHSU attempt for goalSolid tackle by Reilly MaddenGood battle between Missouri Western and Emily HutchingsEmily Hutchings looking for an open optionMidfielder Emily HutchingsHeader toward goal by Allison WorleyGood defensive play by Fort Hays Freekick from Missouri WesternKelly and Diaz teaming up to stop Missouri Western from advancing
Great header by defender Lynette HawkinsForward Montserrat DiazFort Hays setting up for a corner kickFort Hays setting up for a corner kick Emily Hutchings looking for an open optionRyan McCabe dropping the ball back to the defender
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