What you should know about upcoming SGA elections


Fort Hays State University’s students find their representation to faculty and outside institutions through the Student Government Association. Each spring, students vote for the senators to represent their college and for the new student body President and Vice President.

This year, the SGA elections run from 8:30 a.m. this coming Wednesday, April 14 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 15. According to current Vice President Bryson Homman, students cast their votes online through TigerLink.

“Then the days of elections, we’ll have polls in the Union to help students who have never done it before or people who have never voted before and need assistance with that,” he said.

Homman explained that this year, in addition to voting for their senators and new President and Vice President, students will vote for constitutional changes and bylaw revisions.

The SGA has not changed the format of its elections this year, but for the first time in four years, students will vote in a contested Presidential-Vice Presidential election.

This year’s tickets will list Will Barfield for President running with Crystal Rojas for Vice President as well as Mark Faber for President running with Ryan Stanely for Vice President.

All four candidates currently work with the SGA with Barfield, Faber and Stanley serving as senators and Rojas as the Legislative Affairs Director.

Regardless of who students vote for, Homman explained the importance of voting in this year’s elections rests in having a trusted, reliable individual who will voice student issues.

“I think it’s really important with changing times, and there needs to change going on through the individuals who will represent you and your college,” he said.

As the elections approach, Homman encourages students to research who these candidates are, to visit their social media accounts and learn more about their platforms.

“Just see what they represent and what issues and concerns they want to change and just what they stand for,” he said. “I think just doing your little bit of research in order to see what benefits a student when they vote.”

Stay tuned to Tiger Media Network for president/vice president candidate profiles. 

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