FHSU’s Kastle recognized by National Alliance on Mental Illness


A Fort Hays State University professor was recently honored for his work to promote mental health for military veterans.

Dr. Seth Kastle, assistant professor of Leadership Studies and a retired Army first sergeant, won the 2020 Max Gabriel Veterans Mental Health Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

Each year, NAMI recognizes individuals and organizations that advance NAMI’s mission to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. The Max Gabriel Award recognizes a veteran who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the mental health needs of other veterans.

Kastle was honored because of his children’s book, “Why Is Dad So Mad?” and its sequel, “’Why Is Mom So Mad?” and subsequent speaking engagements after the books were published in 2016. The books focus on explaining to children why their parents act the way they do when struggling with Combat Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and its symptoms. The second book was co-authored by Kastle’s wife, Julia, also a combat veteran.

“Being selected for the Max Gabriel Veterans Mental Health Award means a great deal to me. NAMI is an amazing organization, and to be recognized by them as a leader in the effort to improve the mental health of our veterans is extremely humbling,” Kastle said. “I feel like it is the responsibility of every veteran to give back to our brothers and sisters in arms. We are a tight-knit community – taking care of each other is our foundation.”

The books are available through the Amazon store on Kastle’s website www.kastlebooks.com. They also are available at Barnes & Noble, as well as electronically through iBooks, Google Play, Kindle and Nook.

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