William, Anita Lusk Faculty of Distinction awarded to FHSU’s Dr. Karen Thal


Karen Thal, assistant professor of tourism and hospitality management in applied business studies at Fort Hays State University, recently received the William and Anita Lusk Faculty Member of Distinction Award for the 2019-2020 academic year.

The award, given to provide recognition of and support for an outstanding faculty member in the FHSU’s Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship, provides funding to enable a mixture of supplemental salary for research and additional operating support for assistants, travel or equipment.

Thal will conduct research and disseminate research findings and developments through incorporation into the classroom, peer presentations and publication. These activities will build on a demonstrated record of quality instructional, scholarly and service activities.

Thal earned a Ph.D. through the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management at the University South Carolina, with her doctoral dissertation advancing the study and understanding of wellness tourism. Since joining FHSU, she has developed and taught courses that include health, wellness and sustainable tourism.

She has led two successful study abroad trips and conducts research in the study areas. Thal received an undergraduate research grant through the Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects in 2017 and collaborated on a second successful research grant which was awarded in January 2019. In fall 2018, Thal received the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship Outstanding Teacher Award.

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