The Student Government held their weekly meeting on March 7


The central focus of this meeting was the second reading of the Allocations Bill 19/S/109.

Through this bill, the SGA determines how much money is given to applicable campus organizations in the 2019-2020 semesters. Because of this, many student organizations were in attendance during the meeting.

The SGA began with reports from the executive staff and the committees. This included introductions to each position for the benefit of the guests in attendance.

During his report, President Schibi‘s made mention of his meeting with the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. This was to discuss current legislation in the Kansas House and Senate it affects the committee.

He also discussed continued preparation “I Love FHSU Week,” a spring event that will resemble Homecoming week of the previous fall. Schibi also worked with the Student Affairs Committee to make Open Educational Resources (OERs) available for FHSU students, is looking into possible changes in online examinations, and attended traffic appeals meetings.

Vice President Kirschbaum and Legislative Affairs Director Mountford both gave reports, Kirschbaum discussing a Provost Search Committee meeting and Mountford conducting fee reviews.

In her report, Community Relations Director Dougherty promoted the Big Event, a community-wide service event organized by the SGA, as well as the upcoming Landlord Fair. This fair will partner students and local landlords to look at properties at FHSU and in Hays.

Several senate committees also gave reports during the meeting.

Senator Lindsey of the Appropriations Committee reported that a bill is up for first reading. Senator Franek of the Senate Affairs Committee announced that the committee met with three individuals during the week.

Senator Partlow-Loyall of the Elections committee announced dates for the upcoming SGA elections.

Intent-to-run forms are due on March 25 and a mandatory informational meeting will be held the next day. The actual elections will take place on April 17 and 18 with the results announced the evening of April 18.

During the Open Forum, the Senators discussed concerns constituents had about delayed attention to sidewalks and roads following the snow of the previous weekend.

This included individuals receiving citations for not parking close enough to curbs when snow and ice prevented them from doing so.

Following this, four bills were read for the first time and a resolution for February Student Leader of the month was passed.

The Allocations Bill was then presented for second reading.

After its reading, the senators proposed five amendments to the bill. This included changes in the amount allocated to groups such as the Black Student Union, Aikido Club, and Circle K International.

Of the five proposed amendments, all but one passed the votes of the Senate.

The SGA passed the Appropriations Bill following the addition of the amendments.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, senators gave announcements. This included a Times Talk to be held on March 19, the Donut Go Hungry event hosted by Alpha Gamma Delta on March 20, and the closing of the OER Student Survey the Sunday following Spring Break.

Sound Off!
