“Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” Rundown


The galaxy far, far, far away is in a stable peace under the watchful eye of the Galactic Republic. Hundreds of star systems are apart of this galactic government, represented in the Senate under Supreme Chancellor Valorum.

Lacking a military or policing force capable of settling disputes or keeping the peace between these systems, the Jedi, a laser sword wielding and monk-like order of various races, serve as the ‘Knights of the Republic.’ Many in the galaxy respect the Jedi, while the crime lords and pirates operate as quietly as possible to avoid drawing attention.

In this first installment, the sovereign system of Naboo is in a trade dispute with the Trade Federation, a corporate state with immense and fearsome robotic armies. The dispute has resulted in the Trade Federation to blockade the planet, preventing needed supplies from entering the system. Supreme Chancellor Valorum sends two Jedi, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, to resolve the matter. However, things go south when Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray is ordered by a holographic cloaked figure to kill the Jedi and invade Naboo.

Jinn and Kenobi escape the command ship, hitching a ride with the invading forces. Once planetside, the Jedi meet Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans, the aquatic race on the planet to secure safe passage before rescuing Queen Amidala, ruler of the more prominent human population, and departing from the system. The ship’s hyperdrive was damaged in the escape, forcing the party to land on Tatooine, a formidable desert planet controlled by the Huts, a crime boss race in charge of perhaps the largest crime syndicate in the known galaxy.

Jinn befriends a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker while trying to find parts for the hyperdrive. The queen’s handmaiden, Padme, also forms a connection with the slave boy. Learning that the parts cost too much, Skywalker successfully wins a podrace to win not only the needed parts but also his freedom. Jinn discovers Skywalker has a unique number of Force cells called midi-chlorians, believing the boy can become a great Jedi someday.

While taking refuge on Tatooine, the holographic cloaked figure introduces his apprentice, Darth Maul, to Viceroy Gunray, promising to find the lost ship. The two eventually track down the ship to the desert planet with Darth Maul departing to bring Queen Amidala back. The party departs from Naboo, but not before Jinn engages combat with Darth Maul, narrowly escaping on board the ship.


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With the hyperdrive active, the Jedi successfully escort Queen Amidala to Coruscant, the capital city-planet of the Galactic Republic. Supreme Chancellor Valorum calls a meeting of the Senate over the matter. The collection of senators, with the support of Valorum, decide proof is needed of the Trade Federation’s invasion. Amidala, under the influence of Nabooian Senator Palpatine, calls for a vote of no confidence in the chancellor. Palpatine is nominated to run for the position, but Amidala cannot wait for politics to save her home.

Jinn takes Skywalker to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where the Jedi Council determines the boy is too old to be trained. Jinn decided to train the boy himself while declaring Kenobi is prepared for the ‘trials’ to become a Jedi Knight. The master also discusses the possibility of Maul being a Sith Lord, the evil counterparts of the Jedi believed to be long dead. However, the council doubts the Sith’s return and dismiss the matter. With little time for much else, the trio departs with the Nabooians to help secure their planet.

Before landing, the party discusses how they will take back the planet. Amidala reveals her plan to join the Gungan army, believing both sides have a common enemy. It is revealed that who we thought was Queen Amidala is actually Padme, disguised as a handmaiden. Boss Rugor Nass, the leader of the Gungan people, agrees to the alliance and grants Jar Jar the rank of general.

The plan of action is then decided; the Gungan army will distract the Trade Federation’s droid army in the plains outside the capital city of Theed while the small Naboo security detachments infiltrate and capture Viceroy Nute Gunray. Fighter pilots will also launch from Theed’s main hanger to attack the sole droid control ship hovering above the planet’s atmosphere.

The plan succeeds in drawing out the droid army and allowing the infiltrators access to the city and hanger. However, the Trade Federation easily overruns the primitive Gungan forces and holds firm against the Naboo fighters. Skywalker joins in the space battle by complete accident. Jinn and Kenobi are engaged by Darth Maul in a vicious two-on-one dual.

Padme and her detachment are also captured, but her additional forces distract the droids long enough for her to capture Gunray. Skywalker crashes inside the control ship, surrounded by droid security forces. He manages to restore power to the craft and launches two missiles into the main reactor of the ship, causing the vessel to be destroyed from the inside. All droid forces on the planet below deactivate, granting the Gungan-Naboo forces a victory.

Continuing to engage in the dual, Darth Maul manages to strike down Jinn before taking Kenobi one-on-one. It seems as if Maul will kill Kenobi easily, but the apprentice out thinks the Sith and emerges victorious. Jinn, with his dying breath, asks Kenobi to train Skywalker. The council does not support the decision at first, but allows the training and also names Kenobi a Jedi Knight.

The newly appointed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine returns to Naboo, where Viceroy Gunray is handed over to Republic custody to await trial by the courts. Jinn’s funeral occurs that night followed by a celebration parade of the combined victory the next day.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the rundown of “Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars.”

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