SGA Update 2/25/2016

By –  Sarah Jarmer

This meeting of the Student Government Association was called to order on Thursday, February 25th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Black and Gold Room, Memorial Union on the campus of Fort Hays State University.


Old Business: Bills 16/S/104- 16/S/106 were up for second reading by the appropriations committee at Thursday’s meeting.  After much consideration, all three bills were passed by the senate.

New Business: Waiver 16/S/103 from the Office of the President and bills 16/S/107-1/S/110 from the appropriations committee were up for first reading at Thursday’s meeting.



President Ulises Gonzalez told senators that he attended Chartwells’ insight focus group last week, as well as a strategic retreat with people from student affairs and Vice President Molly Morgan to help edit the student success part of FHSU’s strategic plan. Gonzalez informed senators that he is currently working on bylaw changes, and wants to make amendments to the line of succession and impeachment process. President Gonzalez also gave his condolences to the people harmed in the Hesston shooting that took place on Thursday.

Vice President Molly Morgan informed senators on how they are to receive their office hours for this week.

Treasurer Jacob Taylor told the senate that there is approximately $12,000 in the appropriations committee fund excluding the bills that were up for reading.

Legislative Affairs Director Emily Brandt shared with senators that Tiger Day at the Capitol will be revamped in future years and that Lifeline 911 was signed by Governor Brownback on February 23rd.

Campus Relations Director Rebecca Vincent told senators that she had been working more with the Cultural Competency Task Force, and is meeting with Dr.Martin to come up with a diversity mission statement that will be used by the university.


The Appropriations Committee had three bills up for second reading and four up for second reading on Thursday.

The Senate Affairs Committee put in time last week working on changes to the SGA constitution.

Student Relations and Involvement Committee is working on planning the after party that follows The Big Event.

The Legislative and Political Action Committee did not meet last week.

Installation of New Members

No new members were installed at Thursday’s meeting.

Speakers/Open Forum

During open forum, an elections committee was set up and will include Senators Gress, Arnberger, Johnson, Grant, Treasurer Taylor, and Vice President Morgan.

Sound Off!
