The Screening Room Reviews: Baby Driver

It’s a very warm Summer evening at KFHS Radio. Nothing out of the ordinary is occurring. DJ Mad Mike prepares the sound board for the…

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The Screening Room Reviews: In the Mouth of Madness

It’s another fine Summer evening as the Screening Room crew gathers at KFHS. Mad Mike is speaking with an older gentleman in a long coat…

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The Screening Room Reviews: It Comes At Night

It’s an evening like most others as the Screening Room crew gathers at KFHS. Mad Mike has hung an “I Want to Believe” poster, his…

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The Screening Room Reviews: Invasion of the Body Snatchers

It’s a serene evening as the Screening Room crew settles into their usual positions. Mad Mike appears to be hiding somewhere in the building, the…

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TMN Movie Reviews: Wonder Woman

This review is Spoiler free   Directed by Patty Jenkins, “Wonder Woman” is the 4th film in the DCEU. It also happens to easily be…

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The Screening Room Reviews: Alien: Covenant

It’s a fine Summer evening as the Screening Room crew gathers at the KFHS Radio Studio. DJ TV has returned and is wearing a sort…

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The Screening Room Reviews: Full Metal Jacket

It’s evening at KFHS Radio. Mad Mike and Foxx Jackson sit in their preferred chairs. DJ TV is once again missing, though his candles from…

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The Screening Reviews: The Life Aquatic

Sunlight streams through the studio windows. Mad Mike, DJ TV, and Foxx Jackson have assumed their respective positions around the laminate-topped table. The computer monitor…

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The Screening Room Reviews: “Eyes Wide Shut”

Rain pelts the windows of the KFHS Radio studio. The members of the Screening Room sit around a table and ponder what they have witnessed.…

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Movie Review – Power Rangers

  Take 5- Power Rangers Movie from Tiger Media Network on Vimeo. TMN’s Kraig Pierce’s new series: Take 5 is all about the newest movies.…

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