City Commission approves 27th and Main rezone and Depot Addition Plat

By Alicia Feyerherm

Tiger Media Network

During its Thursday meeting, the Hays City Commission approved the rezoning of 27th and Main.

The plot of land on 27th and Main was zoned as a Public and Institutional District and is now a Neighborhood Shopping District and Residential Multi-Family.

It was zoned as a Public and Institutional District when the Diocese of Salina owned the land. The plan was to expand the cemetery onto that land at some point. The Diocese then sold the property to the City of Hays.

In a previous commission meeting, it was mentioned the location may be the site of a new Astra Bank building after the current Astra Bank becomes the new Police Department. 

The rezoning passed 5-0.

The commission also approved the platting of the “Depot Addition.”

This area of land is located around 10th and Walnut which was adjacent to the former Union Pacific Railroad train depot. 

Platting would allow for future development of the area. The area is currently zoned for multi-family housing and says a development plan is being worked on. 

“I’m really excited about this,” Vice Mayor Sandy Jacobs said. “I’ve been waiting for this to happen for a long time.”

The Planned Development for The Grove was also unanimously approved.

The Grove will be north of Hays Medical Center off of 27th and Canterbury. 

The area will provide 40-60 single-family homes, eight to 16 duplexes and 36-72 apartments. 

Deputy City Manager Collin Bielser said this development plan gives structure to the developers while also providing some flexibility.

“That flexibility was built in so that we don’t have to worry about changes later or changes coming through the Planning Commission or the City Commission for minor changes,” Bielser said. 

A community center is also planned for the property.

“I think this is great,” Mayor Shaun Musil said. “It’s not going to happen overnight, but it has the potential to bring a lot more people to town.”

Other items acted on during the meeting include:

  • Approval of two nuisance abatements
  • Approval of a charter ordinance exempting the city from KSA 14-570 and 14-571 regarding GO bonds
  • Approval of a resolution setting a public hearing for the establishment of a reinvestment housing incentive district

The next City Commission meeting will be at 4:00 p.m. on August 8 at City Hall.
