BOE approves attorney contract and KASB policies


Tiger Media Network

During Monday’s meeting, the USD 489 Board of Education reviewed its contract for the board attorney.

Board attorney Bill Jeter said the contract has been in effect for nearly a decade. Before the contract, he was paid hourly and spent most of his time with the teacher and custodial union negotiations. However, when he was asked to start attending board meetings, a contract was set up for a flat rate for board meetings and work sessions rather than an hourly rate.

This flat rate also helps the district budget exactly what they will pay him over the next year instead of trying to estimate how many hours each meeting will take and how often his services will be called upon. 

Board member Allen Park said that in the contract, Jeter is paid an extra $1,000 for months with three or more meetings but says there is no reduction in pay if there are fewer meetings.

“Over a third of our calendar, we only have one meeting,” Park said. 

Park also said it is rare for districts of Hays’ size to have the attorney attend every board meeting.

“This has nothing to do with him, his firm or anything, but are we fiscally responsible?” Park said. 

Board member Ken Brooks pointed out that board members are able to call him on non-board meeting nights and have access to his services at any time.

“I’m not paid just to come to meetings,” Jeter said. “The retainer covers everything I do monthly for the district.”

Park felt the contract should be negotiated more, but board member Curt Vajnar said those concerns should be brought up during a work session or in a meeting prior to contract approval. 

The contract was approved 5-2 with board member Derek Yarmer and Park voting against.

During the vote on personnel transactions, Vajnar abstained because a family member was being hired.

Board member Jayme Goetz verified they could still hire the family member as long as Vajnar abstained. Superintendent Ron Wilson said it was allowed. 

“I definitely think we should revisit this policy,”  Park said. “I will vote against it because I don’t think we’re following policy.”

Wilson assured the board this was in line with policy. Goetz said the board could look into clarifying that policy at a later time. 

The motion passed 5-1

The board also voted on the Kansas Association of School Boards’s recommended policy changes.

The first reading of KSAB policies at the last board meeting included controversial updates to Title IX, but those policies were removed for the second reading. 

“That was because of the preliminary injunction that was branded by the federal judge of Kansas back on the first of July, so those have been removed,” Superintendent Ron Wilson said. 

The rest of the policy changes passed 7-0.

This meeting also included the annual reorganization of the board. The elected positions are as follows:

Board President Curt Vajnar

Vice President Jayme Goetz

Jess Reling was appointed as board clerk and keeper of the records for 2024-2025, and Renae Booth was appointed as deputy board clerk per K.S.A. 72-8202c.

Carla Fellhoelter was appointed BOE treasurer for 2024-2025 per K.S.A. 72-8202d.

The next board meeting will be a board retreat and will be at 9 a.m. on August 5 at the Rockwell Administration Center.
