Climb Aboard the Bookmobile: HPL and Forsyth partner to bring Bookmobile to campus

Image courtesy Hays Public Library Bookmobile

Tiger Media Network

The Hays Public Library and Fort Hays State University have come together to bring a wide variety of media to FHSU students. Every other Wednesday, the HPL Bookmobile is parked to the east of Forsyth Library from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Outside of its open doors, visitors can find a friendly representative willing to chat about getting a library card or just checking out a book. Inside the Bookmobile are a wide variety of books ranging from children’s to novels along with a large selection of movies. 

Anna Townes, a library engagement specialist at Forsyth, had a bit to say about what the libraries have to offer and why they brought the Bookmobile to campus. 

“We were wanting to get more of that connection to the wider community for the students who are on campus and let them know about all the resources that are available to them through the Hays Public Library,” Townes said. “We are still building up that connection with the students.”

When asked if it seemed like the community was taking advantage of this resource, she said it varied. 

“We are only here every other Wednesday since classes started and so we’re just building up that knowledge base and letting people know that we are here. There’s been a little bit more people each time we’re on campus,” she said. “We haven’t talked about next semester yet or beyond that but we are open to partnerships and this might be something we continue doing as Forsyth Library heads into renovations here and not having a building accessible. We want students to be able to access resources and things like that.” 

Townes said she thinks it is great that HPL and Forsyth Library have come together.

“I know they’ve got books, they’ve got movies, you can even reserve items or pick up holds from here. So, it’s that nice connection to the wider community and also a little foot in the door if they aren’t able to go to main street and check out the building,” Townes said. 

The Bookmobile is a great resource for students on campus who enjoy reading or watching movies, especially for getting media not offered at Forsyth Library. The next date that the Bookmobile will be on campus will be at 11:30 a.m. next Wednesday outside of Forsyth Library.
