US 4 U Discusses Climate Change with Showing of “Paris to Pittsburgh”


In part of the 40 days at the fort, Us 4 U hosted a movie showing of “Paris To Pittsburgh,” a movie about the reality of climate change, to FHSU students at the Memorial Union Cody Commons. In one scene, the film showed how extreme high temperatures in California create forest fires and make fire tornados with speeds up to 90mph. 

A family must live in their house with a nearby oil power plant and one woman stated, “Living close with oil pollution that spreads through the air can cause asthma attacks, heavy breathing, and cancer.” Los Angeles had prisoners who were sentenced to 10 years or more, received a job to create solar panels to reduce heat and help generate energy. 

Iris Gillingham, who’s involved in a Zero Hour movement, stated: “We can come together as a movement, because we are struggling.” She tells the American government that they’re ignoring the vision of how young generations will live without resources.

After the movie, Students got to questioned and discussed how climate change can affect the environment around the world. Anna from Us 4 U asked students “Do you see any climate change impacts in your area?” One student responds with “the weather gets worse every year.” Students received prizes if they answered any question about climate change.

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