FHSU Back to School Essentials


Many students have been through the motions of attending college year and year again while others are starting out for the very first time; however, we all have one thing in common — the one things college students do best — procrastinating. 

As the last days of summer trickle to an end, we are all scurrying to finish back to school shopping, packing, gathering our supplies and frankly anything college-related. Many of us are filled with the panic and stress of not feeling prepared and are left wondering if we have everything we need to have a successful school year.

“It’s easy to get stuck figuring out new schedules, buying supplies, and making last-minute adjustments. Stay focused, though, on the passion that brought you to FHSU. College should refine your interests.” said Academic Advisor Gregory Atkins.

But what is the best way to follow this advice? You may be wondering what to pack for your new place, bring for your dorm, or what to put in your bookbag. Have no fear! Here is an in-depth back to school essentials list specifically created for all Fort Hays State University students.

We have made it this far, so we all know the basics. Of course, you will need a good sturdy backpack for your heavy books, filled with pencils, pens, highlighters, folders, notebooks, and binders, but what else could one possibly need to have a successful year at FHSU?

Let me tell you one thing about college, you will need to be organized to survive. One thing that is essential is a planner. A planner will help you keep track of assignments, homework, tests and important dates. 

“I love my planner because I literally put everything in it. I practically write everything I do throughout the day to make sure I don’t miss anything important! I don’t think I could focus on school without it.” said FHSU student Danielle Gaspar. 

A tip when using your planner is to color code it by class or category. If you just aren’t one of those people who can remember to consistently write in it, your best friend may be the Google Calendar. It is essentially the online version of a planner. 

Google Calendar also allows you to color code, so pick a color for each class, activity and one for work and put everything on it. Look up each class syllabus on the first day and markdown all your assignments and tests for the whole semester. This task may sound daunting, however, it is well worth it because it allows you to easily see what you have coming up each week and also shows you when you may have free time.

A planner and Google Calendar work great together or you could pick your favorite of the two. Along with these two, a huge whiteboard calendar to hang on your wall can also help to keep you organized and is a great place to jot down important things to remember. 

The next thing you will need is caffeine! Student Anna Criswell put it best. 

“Caffeine is my college essential because it keeps the stress headaches away,” Criswell said. “It also allows me to stay up late studying and wake up early”. 

Conveniently for those of us who use coffee as our go-to source of caffeine, there is a Starbucks on campus in the Memorial Union. 

Some other things you may want to consider throwing in your bookbag are a pair of headphones, a portable phone charger, an extension cord for when your laptop dies in class and you are too far away from an outlet. Ibuprofen, you never know when you might need it. Tissues, for crying but mainly for post-winter jaunts to class. Don’t forget to also throw in some granola bars or snacks and get a reusable water bottle to go in your side pocket. 

The next college essential is a good pair of comfy shoes, you may be doing a lot of walking to and from class. Make sure you don’t forget your hiking gear for the Rarick Stairs. Always grab a jacket or hoodie when you leave your house because the classrooms can be cold. You will also need some warm, layered winter clothes for those bitter walks in December. Trust me on this one, wear a coat, you are not too cool for a coat! 

You will also need to bring to college a good pillow

“I can’t live without it simply because it is one of the best things in anyone’s life,” said FHSU student, Michael Powell. “You need it to get a good night’s sleep, or maybe you’re staying up late studying and need it to put behind your head! A good pillow is extremely essential!” 

So pack up your good pillow and make sure you use it every night, just maybe don’t bring this one to class.

Next essential is a portable Bluetooth speaker. Again this is one you want to leave back at your place, please don’t walk around campus with it in your bookbag, that is what your headphones are for. However, a speaker is essential for when you have to clean your room, do the dishes, cook, shower, relax, or for when you have friends hanging out over at your place.  

This may be given, but Netflix, Hulu or a streaming subscription is also essential for the college lifestyle. While most of us don’t have cable, so this way you can still catch up on your favorite shows in your free time or reward yourself with a movie and popcorn (another essential) after you finish your homework for the night.

Last but not least, the most important essential of all is your Tiger Swag, which can come from within or be purchased in our Tiger Spirit Shop. So wear your Tiger Gold on Fridays and hang that FHSU flag on the wall in your dorm because #RollTiges.

FHSU Back To School Essentials List

  • Planner
  • Google Calendar
  • Whiteboard calendar
  • Caffeine/Coffee
  • Headphones
  • Portable Charger
  • Extension cord 
  • Ibuprofen
  • Tissues
  • Granola Bars/Snacks
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Comfy Shoes
  • Hiking Gear
  • Jacket/Hoodie
  • Layerable Winter Clothes
  • Big Coat
  • Good Pillow
  • Portable Bluetooth Speaker
  • Netflix, Hulu or a Streaming Subscription
  • Popcorn
  • Tiger Swag

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