Moving past history

Natural history has been a part of Fort Hays State University for as long as the college has existed, and in keeping with that tradition the Sternberg Museum will host events on Wednesday, which is National Fossil Day.

That day the museum will have free admission, and will host several events to celebrate the day. The museum will open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the special events will start at 2 p.m.

It is important to have free admission according to Dr. Laura Wilson, assistant professor and curator of paleontology to “facilitae the partnership the musemum with the communnity.”

The goal of the event is to foster the relationship with the university, FHSU students and the community, while recognizing the history of palentolgy in western Kansas.

“its really important, from a student aspect, for students to come and interact with their community at the Sternberg and at the university we are trying to bridge a lot of partnerships between the university and Sternberg…I think this a great event that brings all of that together since we have developed a lot of our activites that we are having tomrrow for national fossil day,” Wilson said.

“Kansas is one of if not the birthplace of palentology in north america,” Wilson said, and Hays with the early military fort and water supply was an excellent center of activity. The history of the Sternberg’s and the museum is available on their website.

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