2017 Homecoming Candidates: Jarmer and Schoefeld

Get to know candidates:

Sarah Jarmer

Jacob Schoenfeld


Name, hometown, year, major:

Sarah Jarmer: I’m originally from Hastings, Nebraska. I’m a senior at FHSU and I’m an English Education major.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Salida, CO; Junior, Physics, and Business Management.


What is your sign?:

Sarah Jarmer: I am a Sagittarius.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Scorpio.


What do you want to be after college and why?

Sarah Jarmer: At the end of this semester, I get to start student teaching and I’m ecstatic about that! I honestly feel that educators have the ability to mold and shape young minds and help them become the best versions of themselves. Being a part of that process sounds like an incredible opportunity, and I’m so stoked for it.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I want to become a Civil engineer. I enjoy designing and building structures. I have always wanted to be an Engineer.


What are your long-term goals?

Sarah Jarmer: My long-term goals will hopefully become a reality very shortly! I’m getting married in June, so one of my goals is definitely to be a fantastic wife. My fiancé is a remarkable human being who encourages me in all of my endeavors, regardless of how whimsical they may be. He is also an educator, so in five years I hope that we are continuing to do the job that we love and inspiring students to pursue their passions. I think every student deserves to have an educator who genuinely cares about them, and I am absolutely willing to be that educator.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I plan to receive a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, and work in an Engineering firm in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I hope to like there for five to ten years, then move to a small town to raise a family.


What are your short-term goals?

Sarah Jarmer: My short-term goals include soaking up every moment I have left as a tiger. This is my final semester on campus, and I really just want to make the most of this experience. Fort Hays has given me so much over the last five years, and I just want to further my legacy at this school and make the biggest impact I can possibly make.

Jacob Schoenfeld: This semester, I hope to plan and run many successful events for the University Activites Board, expand the Majors and Graduate Programs Fair and make it large than past years, and pass all of my classes with no less than a 3.5 GPA.


What are some of greatest strengths?

Sarah Jarmer: I really think my greatest strengths are my creativity, my passion, and my ability to build connections with others. I am a bit of a pun master and I love any type of wordplay, my creativity is just something that helps make me, me. I am also inherently passionate as a person, and I think that really helps me live life to the fullest. I throw myself into organizations and leadership roles because I genuinely care about them and I take full advantage of those opportunities. On a similar note, I have a passion for people and finding out what makes them special. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m a little quirky, and I love embracing others for what they are and what they have to offer this world. I hate the idea of competing with others, I just want to be somebody that makes everyone feel like a somebody.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I am social, organized, and positive.


What is one thing people do not usually know about you?

Sarah Jarmer: It is always hard to come up with something that people do not know about me because I’m generally an open book about most things in my life. I suppose something that most people don’t know about me is that I look for any excuse for a celebration. Aced a test? Ice cream social. Wrote an essay? Board game night. National Hotdog Day? You better believe I’m planning a barbeque asap. I love to embrace all of the life’s little moments.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I want to attend a football game at all of the Professional Football Stadiums.


What are you most excited about when it comes to homecoming?

Sarah Jarmer: I am so pumped to be a part of the homecoming court, and I’m not sure I can narrow it down to just one thing I’m excited for. I think honestly just being recognized in the top five is a huge honor and it makes me feel like I’m making an impact on this campus. Being here and being in the center of all things FHSU is what I’m most excited for.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I thoroughly enjoy the energy behind homecoming. I enjoy seeing all of the friendly competition and excited students, who all love this University.

What has been your greatest memory at FHSU?

Sarah Jarmer: I really can’t narrow down one “greatest” memory at FHSU, but if I had to pick one it would be the night that I received my bid to Delta Zeta. It was during my first week at FHSU, and I remember running home to this group of remarkable women and just feeling completely overwhelmed with happiness. Knowing now all of the friends I would make, the opportunities that opened up for me, and the experiences I would have with that organization, that moment would probably make the top of my list. That was the start of me falling in love with this university.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I will always remember my first week of college. I was amazed by the number of students and had to make new friends. I found this to be one of the best memories because it was something completely new and coming from a small town, that is smaller than our campus, it made it even more of an eye-opening experience.


What are you involved in at FHSU?

Sarah Jarmer: I’m currently an active member of Sigma Tau Delta, Delta Zeta, Panhellenic Council, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Jacob Schoenfeld:
University Activities Board (2015-present)
Society of Physics Students (2016-Present)
Astronomy Club(2016-Present)
Senate Government Association (2016-2017)
Residential Hall Association(2015-2016)
Tiger Hall Council(2015-2016)
Peer Academic Leader(2016-Present)
Orientation and Welcome Leader(2016-Present)
Student Director of Tiger Impact Weekend(2016-2017)
Varsity Wrestler for FHSU (2015-2016)


Do you have any tips, words of advice to other aspiring student leaders?

Sarah Jarmer: In the wise words of Hannah Montana “Fort Hays is what you make it, so let’s make it rock.” Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said verbatim. Anyway, my best advice is to jump in head first at this university. You will never know the incredible things FHSU has to offer you unless you are open to them. Try new things, and be the person you’ve always wanted to be. College is all about that.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Be who you want to be, you can’t force people to be your friends or see you as a leader, but they will be more willing to respect you if you respect them and aren’t fake.


Random Questions


Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?

Sarah Jarmer: Hilary Duff, no question.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Honestly, no idea.


If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

Sarah Jarmer: I would love to be able to shapeshift. I think I’d just try to be a whole bunch of people and see what it would be like to literally walk a day in their shoes. I’d probably try being Julie Andrews first because she’s my spirit animal.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I would duplicate myself, so I could be at more than one place at a time. This would make life much simpler. I stretch myself too thin at times, and that would allow me to be at more that one event at a time.


What is your least favorite Disney movie?

Sarah Jarmer: I really was not a fan of The Fox and the Hound. I couldn’t handle the sadness.

Jacob Schoenfeld: No idea.


Favorite genre of music?

Sarah Jarmer: My music genres are all over the place, but I really dig old standards. I could listen to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin all day and be a pretty happy camper.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Country


Favorite holiday and why?

Sarah Jarmer: I love St. Patrick’s Day and I’m barely Irish. I just like the concept of decking out in green and embracing another culture. It’s fun to me because I don’t think people recognize its full potential.

Jacob Schoenfeld: I love Christmas because it is a chance for all of my family to get together and just relax together for an entire day.


Which building on campus would you go to first in a zombie apocalypse?

Sarah Jarmer: In the case of a zombie apocalypse, I’d head straight for Tomanek. I have been attending this university for four years, and I still get miserably lost trying to get through that building. Good luck catching me, zombies.

Jacob Schoenfeld: Tomanek


Don’t forget to vote for your favorite homecoming candidate this Wednesday, October 4, to Friday, October 6, on TigerLink!

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