OSGA reviews election process, receives update regarding online survey


Tiger Media Network

Online Student Government Association (OSGA) had its monthly meeting on Monday, 

OSGA President Heather Flick reviewed an Executive Directive she wrote regarding the election process for senators. 

Among other provisions, the directive states “Elections will occur two weeks after spring break for senate seats and executive officers to serve the following academic year.”

This change aligns OSGA’s election process with those of on-campus organizations and Flick believes it will set the organization up for future success by having positions elected before the start of the year. 

“In August of the next academic year, we’re able to hit the ground running versus scrambling October [and] November trying to get things accomplished,” Flick said. 

Flick also asked all OSGA members to write a description of the tasks they complete for OSGA and the time it takes to complete those tasks. She also asked for any suggestions to streamline OSGA business. 

“Ideally, what I’d like to have happen is to have a list of duties and tasks and just to make sure that we’re not missing anything,” Flick said. 

The responses can also be used in recruitment to give potential senators a better understanding of the kinds of tasks and time commitment involved with being part of OSGA.

“I just want to make sure that we’re very clear on what our duties and roles are actually since we’re a newly independent organization,” Flick said. 

Public Relations Officer Eileen Moore summarized data from the online student survey. Moore said that Flick suggested using all Likert scale questions this year for the survey rather than open-ended questions. 

“So it was not a bunch of write-ins and personal feelings or opinions that are too hard to measure and also impossible to analyze,” Moore said. 

The results are not ready to be published yet, but the findings will help drive future OSGA initiatives. 

“We’ve gleaned some really great information from our population on where we need to turn our attention and hopefully bring attention and get some changes made from the powers that be,” Moore said. 

Other items discussed at the meeting:

  • OSGA members will meet with Provost Jill Arnesdorf next week regarding the Charge for Reorganization of Student Success.
  • Flick is working with Victor E. Apparel and Gift Co. to create a discount code for online students.
  • Senate Affairs Committee Chair ​​Benjamin Keliojor will be reviewing the bylaws with his committee and plans to present revisions to sections regarding the powers of the President at the next meeting. 

The next OSGA meeting will be on Monday, February 17 at 6 p.m. Central Time. The meetings are open to the public. Anyone wanting to attend can reach out to the Online Student Government email at oss@fhsu.edu.
