Red Cross and Alpha Kappa Psi host blood drive on campus


Tiger Media Network

The American Red Cross hosted a blood drive in the Memorial Union ballroom Monday and Tuesday with the help of Alpha Kappa Psi. Organized for students and faculty, AKP worked with the Red Cross to bring their collectors to Fort Hays to allow people to donate blood over two days on campus.

The blood drive has been part of an ongoing relationship between the FHSU chapter of the fraternity and the Red Cross. 

“This has been something that we’ve done for many years, over a decade,” said Emma Palmer, president of Alpha Kappa Psi at Fort Hays. “I think it’s a great opportunity. As a student, I don’t hear many opportunities to donate blood. So, the fact that we’re able to bring this to campus where students can walk in at any time is a great opportunity, especially with the blood shortage since I know that’s something that they really need help with right now.”

Palmer states that students have been quick to participate in the drive if permitted.

“I think the people who have a desire to do it are quick to want to sign up and donate,” she said. “The people who can’t for medical or personal reasons, they just shy away, and that’s just kind of their personal preference.”

Nina Malliton, vice president of administration at AKP Fort Hays, organized and hosted the blood drive with the Red Cross. 

“I basically was in contact with the organization leader of the Red Cross throughout the entire thing,” Malliton said. “My main job was recruiting through donors through tabling throughout the past three weeks in the [Memorial] Union and McCartney buildings and just trying to get as many donors as we can to spread the word about the blood drive.”

Generally, students have expressed positivity not just over giving blood but knowing they can donate.

“We don’t hear a lot about other blood drives besides from the school,” Malliton said. “In Hays, it’s not a very common thing. So, students are very appreciative to have that opportunity. For the most part, a lot of people didn’t even know that we did this in the beginning. I’ve had so many people throughout the past three weeks say they’re excited to donate, which is really cool to see.”
