Wallyball kicks off for Fall semester


Tiger Media Network

The Leadership Studies Association hosted the first Wallyball Wednesday match of the Fall semester in the Racquetball Courts of Cunningham Hall this week. 

Wallyball combines elements of volleyball and racquetball. Teams play on two sides of a court and serve with a large ball while being permitted to hit off the walls or ceiling. 

Justin Greenleaf, a faculty member of the leadership program, coaches students on how to play the sport and has played it ever since he discovered it. 

“I started playing it as a result of when the activities were put on my intramurals,” Greenleaf said. “It was fun, and we were trying to come up with a signature activity for the leadership studies association, and this is what we came up with. We’ve played it for several years, and students have continually gained interest.”

The concept of Wallyball was first conceived by Joe Garcia in 1979 and has gained popularity through the American Wallyball Association and the Wallyball Information Network, which both have different regulations.

“We don’t actually play by official rules,” Greenleaf says. “We modify our rules a little bit, and we feel like it’s more fun that way.”

In addition to keeping students active, Wallyball Wednesday serves as a means for them to meet each other and boost their mentality. 

“In the leadership program, we’re all about creating change and building relationships,” he said. “That’s what playing this sport does for these students. It’s a very positive psychology mentality where everybody’s having fun, there’s lots of high fives, no negativity. Not only do they get to know each other but to get to know the program also and be more connected to the program.”

The overall reception towards Wallyball Wednesday has been positive among students, especially those who engage in sports regularly. 

“People just feel like they’re a part of something,” Greenleaf said. “We have regulars, and we have people who come in once in a while and others who come in consistently and are part of the Wallyball family.”

Games are played every Wednesday at 4:30 pm.
