Adaptive Field Night a success


Tiger Media Network

FHSU Athletics, Tigers for IDD and the Arc of Central Plain collaborated to host the first-ever Adaptive Sport and Fitness Night on Tuesday.

Members of FHSU sports teams led participants in games related to their sport. This event was part of student Kendra Clary’s culminating experience for her Health and Human Performance Degree.

“This program is to serve as a building block in the relationship between FHSU and the IDD community,” Clary said. “ In HHP we are working to break down obstacles to physical health and wellness to all members of the community.”

Another Adaptive Sport and Fitness Night is tentatively scheduled for this coming fall.

“This is a trial run to see how things go,” Clary said. “We hope to take the lessons learned and host similar events for the IDD community in years to come.”

Instructor Drew Gannon introduces student Kendra Clary. Clary organized this event as part of a culminating project for her Health and Human Performance degree. “I am absolutely blown away by the work Kendra has put into this event, as well as the dedication of all the volunteers,” Gannon said.
Kacey kicks a soccer ball through a series of cones.
A participant shoots a basketball during the Adaptive Sport and Fitness Night.
FHSU basketball player Kate Dilsaver explains an agility drill to Gracie.
Mike prepares to shoot a basket while FHSU basketball player Katie Wagner watches his form.
One of the stations had participants hit fluffy tennis balls into the hula hoops taped to the wall.
Laverne hits the tennis ball with her racquet.
Laverne hits a volleyball while FHSU volleyball players watch.
Rosie and FHSU golfer Ben Dinges practice their putting skills.
Ethan hands off the rubber chicken to FHSU distance runner Corbin Ricke.
Jonah tackles a wrestling dummy.
Jimmy winds up to hit a softball on a tee.