Anonymous donations provide Bloomberg Terminals to FHSU


Fort Hays State University today announced that finance and accounting students now have access to the Bloomberg Terminal, which is used by leading business and financial professionals worldwide.

The Bloomberg Terminal provides real-time and historical data, market-moving news, and analytics to help leading business and financial professionals worldwide make better-informed investment decisions. The solution also features electronic trading or trade negotiation tools for every asset class, research, and a global network to communicate securely and reliably.

The Bloomberg Terminal will serve as a resource for both students and professors. It will enable students to become familiar with financial services industry tools, reinforce classroom theory, and allow professors to use the service to further their research.

Dr. Muhammad Chishty, dean of the W.R. and Yvonne Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship, said that FHSU’s Investment Analytics Lab is now fully outfitted with 12 Bloomberg Terminal licenses, thanks to two generous, anonymous donations from alumni.

“This industry standard source of real time market data and financial news, coupled with the student managed investment fund we have created, will allow our students to develop strong analytical skills that will position them well for a career in the global financial services industry after college,” Chishty said.

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