National Times Talk about presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday

Join faculty, staff and students from across the country from 11 a.m. to noon Wednesday for a national discussion to debrief and discuss the first presidential debate.

The first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is set for 8 p.m. Tuesday. The event will be moderated by Chris Wallace of FOX News and take place at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

Wednesday’s Times Talk is designed to reach across differences and create a space for discourse. The national facilitated dialogue is based on the fundamental value of the pursuit of knowledge for the public good.

Organizers will provide access to articles covering the previous night’s debate and use those for guided questions and prompts for lively conversation.

The event is open to all ADP campuses, faculty, staff and students. Bring classes or student organizations and join for this national dialogue. Register here 

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