Student Government discusses Title IX policies and procedures


Title IX policy at FHSU protects students from gender-based actions such as discrimination, violation and bullying. Students may be aware this policy is in place, but Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Teresa Clounch and Compliance Officer Amy Schaffer spoke at Thursday’s Student Senate to inform students on the Title IX in cases of a policy violation.

During this presentation, Schaffer emphasized that in the university process, they are “not going to charge anybody or arrest anybody.” The confidential process investigates whether one is in violation of the policy and is separate from criminal investigation.

In their presentation, Dr. Clounch and Schaffer explained that the process begins with an initial report of the incident and a following meeting. Then moves into investigation during which all parties meet with investigators before having a final hearing with Dr. Clounch.

Those involved are also notified of their right to appeal the final decision and the victim has access to services such as schedule and room changes as well as counseling and medical services.

Following the presentation, the SGA executive staff gave their reports.

Several of the staff members, including President DeMers, Vice President Musgrove and Treasurer Applegate, spent their weeks in preparation of the proposed Allocations Bill. This included finalizing recommendations and answering questions.

In addition, DeMers stated that he met with the General Council on the subject of a social channel for virtual students.

Legislative Affairs Director Wisely used her report to update the senators on the status of the affirmative consent bill proposed to the Kansas Legislature.

Community Relations Director Dougherty and Administrative Assistant Cunningham spent their weeks planning the upcoming Big Event, including advertising and chamber chats regarding the event. In addition, Dougherty planned for I Love FHSU Week and Cunnigham for the What Were You Wearing? Event.

In the committee reports, the Appropriations Committee stated that it reviewed the funding guide while the Legislative & Political Action and Senate Affairs Committees informed the Student Senate that they reviewed the bylaws and constitution.

The Allocations Committee made its final recommendation for this allocations season. The Allocations Bill is up for first reading Mar. 12 and for second reading Mar. 19.

In addition to these reports, the Elections Committee announced that students complete their intent to run for SGA elections by Mar. 30 then attend the mandatory informational meeting on Mar. 30. Elections will be held April 15-16 on TigerLink with the results announced during the April 16 Student Senate meeting.

The final report came from Senator Schindler of the General Education Committee, which is in the process of updating general education course requirements. During the week, the committee passed two course rubrics and is in the process of reviewing two more courses.

The Open Forum portion of the evening remained short with LAD Wisely asking the senators to consider ways the SGA could better inform students on the university’s free legal counseling. In addition, President DeMers updated the Student Senate on the progress of gaining more cameras on campus and clarification on ice removal on campus sidewalks.

Three news bills were read during the night’s meeting. The first, a bill for the installation of a new student senator, was voted into emergency business then passed with the purpose of allowing the new senator time to prepare for the vote on the upcoming Allocations Bill.

 In addition, the SGA heard the first reading for the February Student Leader of the Month and the Educational Opportunity Fund Bill. The latter included appeals from campus organizations, such as athletics and Freshman Seminar, that are funded through this bill.

Following these bills, the SGA passed two bills, one appropriating funds to Arts for Social Change and on appointing a new Chief Justice to the student court.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, members of the SGA gave announcements. In light of the upcoming census, one senator announced that informational meetings will be held Mar. 9 and 13 from 11:30 to 1:30. In addition, students can retrieve their census code on Mar. 30 from 11:30 to 1:30 and a kick-off party will be held Apr. 1 and 2 at 10:15 a.m.

The Student Senate will reconvene Mar. 12 at 7 p.m.

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