SGA discusses Town Hall, learns about URE at weekly meeting


In their weekly meeting, the Student Government Association welcomed Maureen Duffy of the Undergraduate Research Experience to give a presentation on the First Annual pURE pie event.

During her presentation, Duffy explained the purpose of pURE pie is to give students more information on opportunities in undergraduate research by connecting them with departments across campus and serving them pie.

Students can look forward to this event on Nov. 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the South Study Area of Forsyth Library.

Following Duffy’s presentation, President DeMers gave a report which largely involved work with the Virtual Student Senate.

According to DeMers, he is working with virtual students to finalize planning for the Success Day Plan as well as helping them become more engaged on campus. Part of this engagement involves reviewing policy that only applies to on-campus students rather than all students.

DerMers also reported that he is still working with the Global Leadership Project to look into food initiatives on campus.

Following DeMers, Vice President Musgrove reminded the senators that they would hold nominations for the Allocations Committee later in the meeting.

Musgrove, who sits on the General Education Committee, reported that the policy regarding changes to general education courses is now being sent to the full Faculty Senate. After the Faculty Senate votes on the policy, he is hoping that it will then be presented to the Student Senate.

Before Treasurer Applegate gave his report, Musgrove reminding the senators that the SGA will table for the Town Hall being held on Oct. 24 at 5:00 p.m. in Cody Commons.

Applegate, in his report, took the time to inform the senators on the importance of the spring allocations process.

Having previously served on the Allocations Committee, he told the Senate that it is a great experience, though one with a lot of responsibilities. According to Applegate, the SGA gave out around $500,000 in allocations funds.

Legislative Affairs Director Wisley reported that she attended the school board debates for USD 489 and is in the process of transcribing the event. Like DeMers, she was also involved in planning for Student Success Days this week.

Community Relations Director Dougherty gave the last of the executive reports.

Her week was spent planning for the Town Hall. According to Dougherty, any of senators are welcome to attend to help answer questions, but DeMers, Musgrove and Wisley will all attend as well.

Dougherty informed the Senate that she met with the Global Leadership Project to begin planning the spring poverty simulation.

This event has been held in the past, but this year, they are seeking to add a banquet to the simulation. This banquet would give each attendee a certain income level. They would then have to eat their meal according to that income level.

Following the executive reports, the committees gave their reports.

The Appropriations Committee informed the Senate they have had three requests this week. 

The Senate Affairs Committee is continuing interviews for potential senators. The committee also has two bills, one up for first reading and one for second reading.

The final report was the Elevator Committee report given by Dr. Teresa Clounch.

According to Dr. Clounch, this committee was formed after experiencing problems with the Rarick Hall elevator.

The committee is working to put a procedure in place should any campus elevator break down. Currently, this involves placing plaques with information at the elevators. They also hope to help students experiencing accessibility issues because of elevator problems.

During the night’s Open Forum, the senate took nominations for and voted on the Allocations Committee. This committee will be made up of 7 members, one of which is the committee chair.

Following this, the Senate read two bills for the first time. They also passed two bills which installed a new senator and appropriated money to the Petroleum Geoscience Club.

The meeting concluded with DeMers reminding the Senate as to the importance of the Town Hall. It is during this time FHSU students can come to them directly with their concerns.

The Student Senate will reconvene Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.

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