Harper presents in the United Kingdom on administrative work


Fort Hays State University’s Jason Harper, senior lecturer and international coordinator for the Departments of English, Global Business English, Computer Sciences and Health and Human Performance, recently presented a talk titled “On a Slow Boat to China: Hiring Challenges to Get Faculty on the Ground in the Middle Kingdom” at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

Harper’s presentation focused on his administrative work and discussed how the international faculty hiring decisions made by FHSU are determined through careful consideration of needs of the location, anticipated demand, historic interest, program uniqueness and accreditation constraints.

“These hiring decisions are deliberated on the home campus in conjunction with – and support from – a departmental committee, human resources staff, department chairs, deans and other such on-site representatives,” said Harper.

Harper’s recruitment and hiring processes for FHSU’s off-campus faculty occur through identical methods, just as they are done for on campus faculty.

“I need to develop flexible strategies to weave my way through a quagmire of oftentimes unpredictable tribulations that often trip up these staffing processes,” said Harper.

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