SGA seeks students’ input on Dead Week Policy


Tiger Media Network

Earlier this month, Student Government Association President Adam Schibi sent out an email requesting Fort Hays State University students to send in their feedback on a survey.

The survey consists of many questions regarding courses and what students have experienced the week before finals. The questions include things like how many assignments and tests are due the week before finals and how many professors start new material as well.

The past two years, SGA has been working on a Dead Week Policy, beginning with former SGA President Emily Brandt and now with Schibi — who has been working to get student feedback and even reached out to the Docking Institute to create the survey that all FHSU students received.

Schibi stressed he and SGA didn’t want to copy a Dead Week Policy other schools in Kansas have started because he wanted to make sure the policy chosen was right for the students at FHSU.

“We are not trying to replicate the policy from other schools,” he said, “but create the policy for our school and get feedback on what would actually work best for our school and our students.”

Schibi and SGA plan to compile the data once the surveys have been completed and present them to administration at FHSU. SGA is hopeful to have something in place by Fall 2019 and to make a more consistent schedule for all courses before finals week.

“I continue to encourage all students to take the time to take the survey, for virtual and on campus students, to see the circumstances for all students and see what policies we can get in place,” Schibi said.

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