One Month Later: How Minorities are Treated Post Election

By: Jordan Hester

Almost a month after the election, many people of color, Muslims, and minorities have experienced social constraints due to the President-Elect’s campaign stances. Around the country, Muslims and Hispanics have been told things along the lines of “have fun while you can, Trump is president and you’ll be gone soon” or “go back to your country.”

On college campuses around the country, young Muslim women have had their hijabs ripped off, people of color have been treated poorly. This is something I was interested to see if it would happen here at FHSU.

In order to protect the identities of those who have experienced negative backlash from their community, I will not specify names or specific incidents. I will, however, disclose that people on campus at FHSU have experienced racism directed towards them as a direct result of the election.

It is unknown how many incidents have happened, but I encourage people of all backgrounds, races, religions and orientations to attend the An Evening of Unity for FHSU Students on December 6th at 6pm in Pioneer Room in the Memorial Union.

This is a meeting hosted by the FHSU Office of Inclusion and Diversity Excellence to allow students to talk about their feelings on the Election. Check back later this week for information about how the meeting went and how students actually think about the election here at FHSU.

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