Hays Gun Show Resurrected


The Gun show was in town October the 22nd and 23rd at the National Guard Armory. The reason it was there was to give the Hays community access to firearm and fire arm accessories.  The idea of resurrecting the gun show happened because the Hays community is filled with a lot of people who love to hunt or love the rodeo.

According to George Hearst, the manager of the gun show, “There were a lot of requests to have different vendors come together with a variety of firearms and equipment.”

Guns, however, shouldn’t be handled lightly. According to Fort Hays State University Student and gun owner Chris Cardone,

“The more you educate yourself about guns, the less you have to fear from them. Educate yourself with the safety features of a gun before you do anything.”

Reporting for TMN, I’m Shannon Mahon.

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