SGA Meeting Review, 3/24

This meeting of the Student Government Association was called to order on Thursday, March 24th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Black and Gold Room, Memorial Union on the campus of Fort Hays State University.

Executive Reports

President Gonzalez attended the official signing of Lifeline 911. He announced his support to all of the families who have been affected by the wildfires in Kansas and Oklahoma. He shared that VP Morgan and Legislative Affairs Director Brandt will be attending a meeting Friday with Dr. Martin on how to assist the students and faculty being affected by the fires.

Vice President Morgan thanked all the senators for their performance at the Allocations meeting and announced that there will be no office hour requirements for senators this week unless something pops up.

Legislative Affairs Director, Brandt announced Tiger Day at the Capitol happened last Tuesday. She attended the ceremonial Lifeline 011 signing. She shared a report of current events happening in the state of Kansas.

Committee Reports

Appropriations Committee, Sen. Lindsey announced 2 bills are up for their second reading.

Senate Affairs Committee, Sen. Devore announced they are going over the constitutional bylaws.

Student Relations and Involvement Committee, Sen. Agnew reported they are working on the Big Event after party.

Legislative and Political Action Committee, Sen. Scheck announced they are finalizing fee review process.

Elections Committee, Sen. Gress announced when the intent to run forms closed (Thursday night) and that mandatory elections will be held April 13th and 14th.

Open Forum

President Gonzalez announced the Series Elections Lecture will be held on April 13th at 7:30.

The final nominations for the Student Organization Awards are Sen. Brent Hirsh for the Rising Star Nominee, Campus Relations Director, Rebecca Vincent for the Diversity Allied Nominee and Legislative Affairs Director, Emily Brandt for the Outstanding Student Leader Nominee.

Old Business

Bill 16/S/115 Appropriations had its second reading. Sen. Gress motioned to consider this bill, seconded by Sen. Devore. Sen. Agnew asked to have a representative of Christian students on campus to explain their request. A representative explained that 4 students will attend the trip, they will bring back more information about the Christian faith. They will also encourage others to attend the trip and learn more about themselves. Sen. Devore motioned to pass by unanimous consent, seconded by Sen. Gassman. The bill passed.

Bill 16/S/116 Appropriations had its second reading. Sen. Glassman motioned to consider the bill, seconded by Sen. Devore. Sen. Gassman asked to have a representative of Geo Club to explain their request. The representative said that with all the tours being made in Colorado, it will help the Geo Club have a better understanding of the industry. Bill 16/S116 passed by 25 votes.


Sen. Garcia announced the Town Hall meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 to discuss the gun legislation.

Campus Relations Director, Vincent reminded everyone to sign up for the Big Event on April 30th.

President Gonzalez announced that SGA will be having Chamber Chats on Friday, April 1st in Cody Commons at 9:00 am.

Sound Off!
