FHSU to host workshop on holocaust education

FHSU University Relations and Marketing

HAYS, Kan. — Fort Hays State University will host an interdisciplinary workshop titled “Educational Approaches to the Holocaust” from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18, in the Stouffer Lounge of FHSU’s Memorial Union.

The workshop, facilitated by the Kansas Center for Innovative Education, is partially funded by grant money from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education. The grant was written by Dr. Paul Nienkamp, assistant professor of history at FHSU.

About 55 middle and secondary teachers and teaching candidates are registered to attend. The workshop will bring in participants from the counties of Barton, Dickinson, Ellis, Kearny, Lane, Norton, Pratt, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Seward and Wabaunsee. Several members of the Eisenhower Foundation and Library are also expected.

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