Breaking Ground on the Dane G. Hansen Scholarship Hall, Saturday October 3rd

Dane Hansen HallThe FHSU community is invited to the ground breaking of FHSU’s first scholarship hall.  The Dane G. Hansen Scholarship Hall will serving students who have displayed interest in entrepreneurship.  The ground breaking is scheduled for 11am, Saturday October 3rd, just north of Wiest Hall.

The building will be dedicated to higher education that will foster leadership, entrepreneurial market driven ideas and action. The hall will bring together people with a passion for entrepreneurship and desire to develop the skills to take an idea from concept to reality. It will have unique learning activities for students who want to launch startups or to learn about entrepreneurship through doing.

Aiming for a Fall 2016 opening, the hall will provide 32 single bed rooms, an e-lab, collaboration rooms, study areas, and a re-charge room. Students will participate in weekly activities with entrepreneurship speakers, simulations, and tours.  The Dane G. Hansen Scholarship Hall will be open to students of all majors. All students will complete or have completed the Certificate in Entrepreneurship as condition of being a member of the scholarship hall.

Click here to read about the February announcement of Dane G. Hansen Scholarship Hall, FHSU plans new scholarship hall through support of the Hansen Foundation (Feb. 4, 2015).

For more information, click here Dane G. Hansen Scholarship Hall.


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