ISIS threatens to kill Twitter founder and employees

Quick on the heels of the above Saturday Night Live skit lampooning the Islamic State of Israel and Syria, the group has been linked to a message publicly calling for jihadists to kill Twitter employees including founder Jack Dorsey, as reported by BuzzFeedNews.

The message, written in Arabic, said, “Your virtual war on us will cause a real war on you.” The message said it is in response to Twitter frequently shutting down accounts related to ISIS.

The message was spread worldwide through social media, including Twitter.

Twitter has said the closed accounts violated their terms of use policy.

That policy forbids “direct, specific threats of violence against others.” Further it bans users “for any unlawful purposes or in furtherance of illegal activities.”

Law enforcement officers and Twitter have taken the threat seriously and are now investigating where the message originated from and the credibility of the threat.

“Our security team is investigating the veracity of these threats with relevant law enforcement officials,” Twitters said in a statement released on their own platform.

The ISIS message elaborated on what has brought the group to seek retribution against Twitter and Dorsey.

“Your virtual war against us on the internet will pull you into a real war on the ground. There is no escape: it is only a matter of time, and perhaps one of the bloodthirsty crusading lions has already begun to move in reality.”

“We told you from the beginning that this was not your war. How, Jack, will you protect your wretched employees when their necks are an official target for the soldiers of the caliphate and its allies who are scattered among your midst? How will you answer their families and their children since you embroiled them in this failed war?,” the message said. “They took the lives of your friends, and you could not hinder any one of them from doing so, and now who will keep their friends away from you and your employees, Jack?”

TMN will continue to monitor the story.

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