Get to know the 2024 FHSU Homecoming Candidates


Tiger Media Network

The 2024 Fort Hays State University Homecoming Court has been announced. Get to know each of the candidates before casting your vote for King and Queen. Voting is open until noon on Friday. Votes are cast on Tigerlink.

Alex Johnson

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • Hey, Tigers – My name is Alex Johnson. I’m a junior studying Political Science (Pre-Law) here at Fort Hays. I was born and raised here in Hays, America, so I’ve known FHSU all of my life. I’ve always appreciated our university, from the moment I stepped foot on campus to the moment I step off the graduation stage in ‘26. I’ve been involved in a number of campus organizations, but most recently, I’ve been serving as the Alumni Office Intern over at the FHSU Foundation. I love our university and community and am grateful for every opportunity that has come my way through being a Tiger!

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite college memory has got to be teaching Freshman Seminar in the Fall of 2023. I looked forward to being ‘Dr. Johnson’ every Tuesday and Thursday (No, I don’t have the credentials. Don’t sue.) and getting the chance to bond with some new students on campus. There are tons of other memories that come very close, but that has to be the top.

Why should students vote for you?

  • No matter what, whomever you vote for, there is no wrong choice. Every candidate for Homecoming lives and breathes FHSU, and that’s exactly what it takes. I’ve had the chance to take my education and experiences from FHSU out into the world, specifically Washington, D.C., where I got the opportunity to talk about our university every day. It was always great to talk to someone who had no idea who we are or what we do, so I loved telling them about it. My family always taught me (they still do) to pursue everything with gratitude, passion, and integrity. Therefore, if you appreciate those pillars of life just as much as I do, then I’m your man!

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • Movie: Greenbook
  • TV Show: Suits

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • The Carlton. Why? Because ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ is the bomb, and I suck at it, but I do it anyway.

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I’m a pretty old-fashioned guy. To elaborate, I’ve always had a degree of professionalism that seems rather odd for my age. I’ve been told that when I turned 20, I actually turned 40. Whatever that means. However, my personality and characteristics have got me this far, so I’ll take it!

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY! Truly can not stress that enough. I’ve always felt a sort of comfort to the words “The worst they’ll say is no.” Tackling your hardships, applying for that job, and making things happen is how we succeed. Relishing the opportunity to do something big is what our freshmen need to know so they can make it to earning that degree and walking across that glorious stage!

Alicia Feyerherm

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I’m a senior majoring in Information Networking and Telecommunications with an emphasis in Digital Media Production and Journalism and a minor in Public Relations and Advertising. I’m the current President of the Fort Hays Honor Society, having been elected after two years of serving as the VP of Communications. I was an SGA senator for two years and also work for Tiger Media Network and KFHS Radio. 

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • I was able to go on Dr. Bill Stark’s spring Herpetology Field Trip as a photographer and drone pilot last spring. We spent several days camping throughout Oklahoma and I was exposed to a variety of reptiles and amphibians that I did not know existed. I even held a red-bellied mudsnake! I often get caught up in the day-to-day grind of being a student, so having the opportunity to take a step back and go on a trip like that was a very special experience!

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • The Muppet Christmas Carol 

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • I’ll be honest – I am not much of a dancer. I do know how to do the Macarena, though so we’ll go with that. 

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I actually attended the University of Kansas my first semester of college and then transferred to Fort Hays. Transferring was the best decision of my life, and I am a very proud Tiger 🙂 I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences and opportunities Fort Hays has given me. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • Get involved early! I know it’s cliche, but your college experience will be defined by what happens in your clubs and organizations and not what happens in the classroom. Ten years from now I will not be reminiscing about Elements of Statistics or any other class, but rather the friends and experiences from the organizations and activities I participated in. That’s where true opportunity lies. In the words of Hannah Montana: “Life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock.”

Brenna Schwien

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I’m Brenna Schwien! I am a Junior at FHSU majoring in Sociology, minoring in Political Science (Pre-Law) and I have seven certificates thrown in there too. I am involved with 11 on-campus organizations, and hold many leadership positions within those organizations. A few of them being Delta Zeta, Panhellenic, Student Government Association, three honor societies, and many organizations that align with my major and minor. 

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite college memory so far is participating in our Greek Week Lipsync Battles with my sorority, Delta Zeta. Watching everyone from other chapters perform was so much fun and we were all dancing and cheering each other on. Practicing our routines with my sisters was such a great way to bond, and made the late nights worth it.  From those late nights practicing our dance in our parking lot, to when we got dressed up in our costumes to perform, there was so much joy and laugher filling our house. Being in Delta Zeta has truly been the best decision that I’ve made since coming to college, and has given me so many strong friendships I’ll have forever. 

Why should students vote for you?

  • I’d be so honored to be your Homecoming Queen, but I am truly honored to have been selected to be even on Homecoming Court! I really love Fort Hays and just want to bring everyone together. I want to work on making our campus community fun and inclusive, whether it’s through events or just being there for my friends. I think Fort Hays needs a little extra celebration this year, and I’d love to represent all of us with pride. 

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • My favorite show is New Girl because it’s just super fun and silly. The main character is super relatable and her positive vibe always makes me smile. The show really shows the importance of friendship, and I am able to relate to the ups and downs of young adulthood. The roommates’ lives are hilarious, and it always cheers me up. It’s the perfect mix of laughs and life lessons.

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • I think my favorite dance is definitely any of the silly dance moves! They’re just so much fun and always make my friends laugh laughing. One of my all-time favorites is the shopping cart—it’s just a classic! Plus, it’s great for any occasion, whether you’re at a party, a wedding, or just hanging out with friends. I love how silly moves like that can break the ice and bring everyone together. 

What is something that makes you unique?

  • One thing that makes me unique is that I can name every Taylor Swift song there is! It’s kind of a fun party trick, and I like to think of it as a hidden talent. If you know me, though, you already know that I’m a huge Swiftie. I’ve spent countless hours listening to her albums, memorizing lyrics, and analyzing every little detail about her songs. From her older music to her newest hits, each song feels like a story I can relate to in some way. I love how her music captures different moments in life, and I can always find a song that fits my mood. Whether I’m singing along at a concert or just chatting about our favorite lyrics, it’s just something that brings me so much joy.

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • I would totally tell freshmen to get involved with clubs and organizations! My college experience has gotten so much better since I started participating in various activities. It’s such a great way to meet new friends and connect with people who share your interests. Plus, being part of different groups really helps you feel more engaged with the campus community. You’ll have the chance to attend events, learn new skills, and even take on leadership roles if you want. It’s all about making the most of your college years, and being involved makes everything more fun and meaningful. Trust me, you won’t regret jumping in and exploring what’s out there!

Caleb Purvis

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I am Caleb Purvis. I am a senior majoring in criminal justice. I am also pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice. I want to become a member of law enforcement after graduation. I have always wanted to help people and law enforcement was the best choice for me to achieve this goal. 

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite memory from college would be the trip to Louisville, Kentucky for a national competition. Four of us on the trip decided we were going to get matching tattoos.

Why should students vote for you?

  • Students should vote for me because I want to show that anyone can do anything they set their mind to, regardless of who they are or what they want to do. 

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • My favorite movie is Deadpool and Wolverine. 

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • My favorite dance is the Macarena. Because it was a staple of my childhood growing up. 

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I have broken eight bones so far in my life. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors if you are struggling to understand a concept or if you need any other kind of help in your classes.

Cally Anderson

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I’m a current grad student working to get my Master of Business Administration with a concentration in digital marketing. I’m a GTA for Applied Business Studies. I graduated in May 2024 with my bachelor’s in Tourism and Hospitality Management from FHSU. I am president of Eta Sigma Delta, as well I have also been involved in the travel club, Honor Society and Tiger Media Network. I’m from Topeka. In my free time I enjoy traveling and spending time with my 6-month-old mini Australian Shepard.

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • Attending an undergraduate research in Miami with Eta Sigma Delta, a tourism and hospitality honor for students. Miami had the best food and one of my group research papers earned an award. 

Why should students vote for you?

  • Students should vote for me because I have shown leadership throughout my time at FHSU and am passionate about being a Tiger,  but ultimately I am just thankful and feel honored to even be up for the Queen candidacy.

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • Movie -Finding Dory 
  • Show -Below Deck 

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • I’ll be real honest, I’m a terrible dancer. I do enjoy a little swing dancing to country music on occasion. 

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I have been skydiving twice, I lived in Alaska for five months in 2023 working as a zip-line guide and I have a twin brother. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • My advice to freshmen would be to don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and say yes. Whether it is joining a new club, seeking out leadership positions, or even just reaching out to a stranger to say Hi, college is the best time to learn who you want to be and grow as a person! And always be grateful for your friends, family, professors and advisors, they really do have your best interest and will be your lifelong supporters. 

Chad Zerr

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • My Major is Biology Natural Resources with a minor in Agriculture. I grew up on a farm in northwest Kansas. I have always been involved in 4-H and other activities. 

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite college memory was my sophomore year when all of my fraternity brothers and I got together for a trap shoot out in the country. The weather was beautiful everyone was so happy and didn’t have a single worry on their mind. 

Why should students vote for you?

  • I feel like I am a strong role model on campus and I want to show the younger students that with hard work you can achieve your goals. 

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • Shoresy

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • Swing dancing. My mom and dad have always been really good at swing dancing and they taught me. I would like to say I have become a pretty good swing dancer, which always makes it more fun. Not only is it sentimental to me, but I also always have a blast. 

What is something that makes you unique?

  • My eagerness to learn. I am always trying to learn from my surroundings, my peers, or just in general. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • Get the most out of your college experience by getting out of your comfort zone. Try new things and meet new people, if you’re nervous, good, it means you care enough to be there.

Emma Day

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • My name is Emma Day, and I’m from WaKeeney. I am a senior at FHSU majoring in elementary education with a certificate in leadership studies. I am currently serving my second term as student body vice president, and have been involved in the student government association since I was a freshman. I served two years as a VIP Ambassador for the Office of the President, and am a member of the Delta Zeta Sorority.

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite college memory is being surprised by my entire sorority for my birthday! It was such a thoughtful surprise. My sisters are such genuine, caring individuals and it was a moment I will cherish forever. 

Why should students vote for you?

  • I have served the student body throughout the entirety of my career at FHSU. For the past two years, my job has been to advocate for student success. I have served on countless university committees to bring a student voice to the table. Every day I wake up with the goal to make an impact. I want students on our campus to feel empowered, supported, and safe enough to succeed socially and academically. I believe in the work I have done alongside an incredible team of students, and I will continue to advocate for what’s in the best interest of the student body. As a third-generation Tiger, FHSU is home to me. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. It’s an honor to be selected for homecoming royalty, and I look forward to a week to remember!

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • My favorite book & movie is Little Women.

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I have been a swim team coach for six years!

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • My best advice for freshmen is to get involved on campus. Finding your purpose, your passion, and your people is a significant part of having an enjoyable college experience. Don’t be afraid to try things you feel unqualified for. If you’re willing to put in the work and take the time to learn, you will almost always be successful. The only way to grow is to put yourself in new environments and do hard things.

Jackson Stinsel

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • My name is Jackson Sinsel, and I am a junior double majoring in political science and psychology. I am getting certificates in pre-law, paralegal, and business law studies. I am originally from Sutherland, Nebraska, where I graduated in 2022. I love being involved on campus through the Student Government Association, the Fort Hays Honor Society, Honors College, Pi Sigma Alpha, College Republicans, and the Tiger Motorcycle Club. When I’m not busy with all that, I love cheering on our Tigers and hanging out with friends!

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • It is very hard to narrow down my favorite experience. However, I would say my favorite college memories would be all the late nights with my friends from Freshman year. We would often stay up and all hang out, and it didn’t matter if we were simply doing homework or chatting it up.

Why should students vote for you?

  • I feel I embody and truly love being a Tiger. I try to be very involved and inviting to other students through my many roles while also keeping my academics a top priority. 

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • My favorite movie is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • I love swing dancing and it is probably my favorite dance mainly since it is just such a fun way to get out with friends and have some fun.

What is something that makes you unique?

  • A unique thing about me is that, unlike all our other candidates, I’m not from Kansas, I am from Nebraska. It is important to consider all of our Tiger friends that may be from another state or country!

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • Get involved and be positive. You will find your tribe and time will fly. You have to cherish the moments you have here in college because time moves quickly when school gets going. 

Madison Albers

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I am a first-generation student at Fort Hays State studying Political Science (Pre-Law) and Communications (Public Relations and Advertising). I’m the President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Pi Sigma Alpha and I am involved with SGA, VIP Tigers, Ceramica Clay Club, HALO, and more. I enjoy volunteering my time to fight against hunger, educating and engaging voters, and advocating for others! I am in my zone when crafting, making late-night Sonic runs, baking up a storm, and living my best FHSU life. I am a tiger through and through!

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite FHSU memory, hands down, is when I found out Tisa Mason had chosen to feature me for her Heart of a Tiger series. It was just so exciting to know that someone I looked up to and seemed a million miles away was looking right back at me! That’s exactly why I love the Fort there are connections made every day here that would never be made elsewhere.

Why should students vote for you?

  • While all of us are great candidates, I hope most students can see a bit of themselves in me, from Greek life to first-generation college student to my Hispanic heritage and more. I am incredibly honored to represent so many different groups on the court alongside my other amazing friends and peers. That in itself is already one of the greatest gifts FHSU has given me.  

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • I love all Studio Ghibli Movies and the Scream franchise!

What’s your favorite dance? Explain?

  • My favorite dance was my sophomore year of high school when I performed a half-time hip-hop routine. I spent weeks perfecting it, and after all that practice, it paid off. There was a stunt in it that I had never hit until I performed it, so I was just so proud of what I accomplished that night. I also met my sweet, fantastic boyfriend that night, so it was definitely one for the books.

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I am crazy good at balloon animals, but on a more serious note, I’d say my background. Everyone carries with them a different story, and that is true for me as well. I did not come from a lot so to see where I am now feels incredibly special. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • It’s a cliche, but get involved at FHSU! I found a second family because of all my involvement. It connected with awesome people for whom I am grateful for every day. The connections I made during my freshman year through joining AGD, PSA, and more are friendships and allies that will last a lifetime. So, even if you are nervous, take the leap! I promise it will pay off!

Tim Post

Who are you? (Include Major and prior experiences)

  • I am a Business Major with a Minor in Entrepreneurship. Some of the campus organizations I’ve been involved in are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Student Government, Alpha Kappa Psi, The National Society of Leadership and Success, Inter-Fraternity Council, and Tiger Team.

What has been your favorite college memory?

  • My favorite College memory would be my Welcome Weekend as a freshman. Coming to FHSU, I didn’t know anyone else so it was really an enjoyable experience for me getting to participate in so many fun events and getting to meet so many new people.

Why should students vote for you?

  • I feel like I’m pretty involved in a variety of campus organizations holding leadership positions in some of them and I try and branch myself outside of my comfort zone. I also feel like I demonstrate the Tiger Spirit by getting a chance to be involved in the planning, hosting, and participating in all sorts of events like the ones that made an impact on me when I first came here around campus. While the average person can’t change the world in a day, you can make someone’s day with little acts of kindness.

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

  • My favorite TV Show is Better Call Saul and my favorite movie is Interstellar.

What is something that makes you unique?

  • I can wiggle my ears!

What advice would you give to freshmen?

  • Make sure you get involved on campus! There’s such a variety of different events around campus it’s really easy to find people with similar interests. While stepping outside your comfort zone might seem intimidating at first, you’ll thank yourself later!